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She and Jimin hugs while Tae come in and said "well I hope I'm not interrupting a bonding moment between you too" I looked at Tae and responded with "thank you two for everything you made me, made my life better I'm so grateful for you two seriously. Jimin was telling me how he will get to be my brother that way he is my garden and I will get to live with him if that's okay taehyung I mean we will get to see each other a lot still right?" He nods and hugs her and she was shocked by a second but quickly hugs him back tae cupped her cheek and said "Please let me know if anything happens I'll protect you without hesitation." She nodded and went off to Jimin house.


After a few months of going to meeting with Jimin he has helped me get into a good school that I never thought I would be able to do because of my father but now I can. After I can a letter in the mail from my school saying that I got accepted I jumped up and down and screamed in excitement Jimin quickly came to my room and with a worried face "what's wrong y/n what happened?" I looked at him and gave him the letter as he read word for word he then looked and me and hugged me and spinning me around putting me down and looking at the letter once more and said "See I knew you could do it now you wanna go shopping for your new school clothes?" I nodded my head no sense it's not necessary I've already have clothes and the once's Tae gave me. I then sent a text to Tae with a picture of the letter and saying "I got accepted☺️" she quickly responded with saying that he was so proud of me and could wait to see all of the things i could accomplish in this chapter of my life.

A few weeks later
It's my first day at the school and seeing the school building for the first time excited me of all the new things I can get to experience without my past dragging me through the mud. I said goodbye to Jimin and went on my way to class I looked on my phone and walked around being like a lost puppy when I bumped into someone and dropped my phone I kneeled down to grab it and quickly someone stepped on my phone then I grabbed it and looked to see who was the person "hey you ..hey you" he turned around looking at me with a cold expression as I walked back I didn't think he would turn around I didn't know what to say past this point then he came closer to me and grabbed my phone from my hands "hey that's my phon-" I stopped saying what I was gonna say remembering what my father does to me when I accidentally broke my phone my whole body froze and my chest started getting heavier by the second the guy dropped my phone to the floor once more. I quickly grabbed it and tried to turn it on but it wouldn't turn on what happened? Did it die? Then I saw a group of girls they looked so pretty flawless skin perfect makeup, perfect body and I looked at myself there were still scars and bruises still left on my body from my father. I walked to the entrance on my class looked over the door window at each classroom door in the hallway forgetting which room I'm supposed to be in the hallway felt like it was caveman in I couldn't breathe my vision was slowly blacked out until I couldn't see anything anymore I felt so scared. Then I was pushed by someone and I fell on to the floor not being able to breathe I can faintly hear students talk about me and laughing at me. I felt like my world was ending why is no one seeing what's happening to be or why isn't anyone helping me. I felt so light headed and so dizzy this cannot be happening I tried many times to calm myself but it ends up just getting worse and worse all of my old methods were no use then I felt a pair of hands on me although my hearing was very faint and my eyesight was very weak this pair of hands didn't feel right about them something told me that this is gonna end up more worse. The girls were talking and bullying me but I couldn't hear them so I felt a kick on my leg and screaming from the girls then another kick this time a kick to my arm then my stomach then within that moments minutes felt like seconds it was like time was slowly stopping until my body couldn't handle anything anymore it was starting to become numb. What was once my shaking body it now still as a wall soon the girls noticed my body wasn't moving no signs of life as if was just gone. Finally I was free, free from my suffering but I didn't want to go back but at the some time I had to I had Jimin and Tae waiting for me. I'm now battling with the thoughts of is I should not comeback to my body or if I should go to be with Jimin and Tae fighting with my thoughts who knew my inner thoughts could be demons. I then was stuck, stuck between two worlds wondering if it worth going to my body. If it's worth my efforts to try to find them.

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