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The girls sat on the left side of him right next to him were there was an empty bar chair then the other girl also sat at a empty bar chair on the other side of him things are slowly going to plan as he intended to. After some shots and drinks the girls started to become blackout drunk Taehyung then guided them to his car he opened the back door and then girls went inside and told the driver to take them to the deepest darkest location and bound there hand behind there back and blind fold them. Then Taehyung sat in the passengers sit and they round off the location as his men tied the girls and blindfolded the two girls as he went to the fist girl who was kneeling on her knees on the cold dirty concrete flooring as he hears her sad little cries and you can hear how scared she was in her shaky little voice while crying Taehyung chuckles then goes behind her grabs the chains and chained her hands to prevent her from running away then went to the other two girls and did the same to them. Then went to the front of them and grabbed a chair and sat down seeing them being scared for there sad little lives as he observes them and there movements while giving them nothing more but the very coldy deadly stare that you could feel even being blindfolded and not knowing where you are. Those eyes of his had no emotion but just that darkest pit of hell he had in himself was finally able to unleash to the ones who brought pain to his soulmate his other half unknowingly he became obsessed with Y/n. The imagine of her laying on that bed in a terrible weak state set arson in his mind and body and everything he touches at that moment in time.

His Cold and wet deadly stare with no emotion Just watching them cry there little tears for forgiveness on whatever that they have done to him

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His Cold and wet deadly stare with no emotion Just watching them cry there little tears for forgiveness on whatever that they have done to him. It made his blood fuel of them asking for his forgiveness not knowing or remembering what they have done to his Y/n then he gets up from his chair and tells them. "You girls were so easy to manipulate and trap it's kind of disappointing to me knowing that the meanest mean girls of the Soul univerity couldn't see me through my charms. Your so easy to manipulate with just a handsome and charming face." He then moved down to the girl in the middle girl and roughly grabbed her by her neck and breathes heavily hunger for revenge on them "How should I start maybe I should slice your neck right open." He roughly throw her on the floor letting her go and walking to the girl of the left and gets close her ear as he said "Maybe I should shoot you to death leaving you with a slow process but yet fucking painfull miserable death." Then leans away from her and goes to the middle then traveling down to the girl in the right and bend to her level Taehyung said to her "For you I have the most painful death planned out for you I'll rip you to million pieces. I'll be able to unleash my wolf side just for you pathic last moments." Then stood up and walked back to sit and singled to his guys to take off there blindfolds then as they adjusted there sight to the light then looking around them and quickly brought there attention to Taehyung. As there about to say something he interrupted them "Before you use that dirty mouth of yours before you say that you'll regret." Then he grabs a knife and looked at them chuckling for the enjoyment his about to get out of this.

Taehyung: Do you remember Y/n? The girl you bullied you must remember her soul.

Soul: No .. W.wait how did know my name?

Taehyung: Your Kwon Soul but your friends call you Soo right and your family own a small retail store in Busan bringing in a cute 20 billion won to your cute little family business but that business down one second with one call or text." 

Soul: No No! please my family work hard for that business please it will destroy my mother and father.

Taehyung: Oh your Appa yeah about your pathetic appa his aw we speak having an affair with his coworker on your poor eomma. Now you pay for what you have done to my precious Y/n YOU HEAR THAT!" 

With that she nodded in fear then he looked at the in middle and gave the death stare.

Taehyung: And you Shin Hae Your family owns a pretty impressive multi income company I've worked with your parents compay a few times I've also helped them gain even more sells and helped the business thrive when it was suffering. I'm descraste that you are there daughter what a shame and disappointment you brought to your family. 

Then he got up from his sit and went closer to them knowing what's about to happen. 

Taehyung: You want to live your pathetic lives then you will listen to every word I say (The girls nodded) from now on you will leave Y/n alone and if any other of your stupid friends lay even a finger on her I'll fucking kill you this time you won't be so lucky on me sparing your fucking lives got that (They nodded) good blindfold them. 

He ordered his men they did that and he tossed the knife back down to the table unchaining them from the floor and his men grabs them and moved them out of the building and put them in the car Taehyung sent the car to there original location on where they were untying there hands and taking them out of the car and took off there blind fold they were in front of a hotel. 


Taehyung came back home and went back to the bedroom seeing iv's and a doctor with a nurse there and still seeing Y/n knocked out he sighed and looked at the doctor with a somber expression. 

Doctor: She will be okay although she will have some medicine to take 

Taehyung signed in relief then he noticed the doctor looking at y/n and back to Taehyung knowing that there's probably something else wrong going on. 

Doctor: Although I am concerned on what this means for her health

Jimin: And what is that? 

Doctor: she has a possibility of still having depression could be from her past or something that happened recently this could be serious. 

Jimin and Taehyung stare at each other knowing what it is especially what happened today for her.

Doctor: She's still very much underweight and unhydrated I recommend introducing new foods to her slowly have a jar with tiny notes of foods she's scared of eating and or hasn't eat in a while she also could have an eating disorder. 

They thanked the doctor he said final things and the nurse and doctor left from there. 

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