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Welcome to a new fan fiction book called 'Love bond' please enjoy this first chapter and please comment on what you thought about it so far, what you liked about the story or the characters. 💜

Please Note/ Warning:

This is just Fanfiction meaning not real this is a made-up story with a made-up storyline from my own mind. Please do not take any part of this fanfiction seriously this was written for entertainment purposes. Noun of these things in this story actually happened to Taehyung and anyone I might include in this fanfiction. Also please note that this is not my family I am fortunate enough to be living in a loving welcoming home so please don't think it has to do anything with me. Again reminder this is a completely made-up story.


This fanfiction may include some of the following violence, blood, gore, sexually mature content, self-harm, abuse, etc.

Please enjoy reading this Kim Taehyung fanfic 'Love Bond'

After getting ready for school I was honestly so ready to leave this house for a few hours. School and education is my only ticket to get out of this miserable house. My parents fight every night, mom is now smoking some sort of drugs every night, and dad goes out to get wasted. I hate this life. This family has become nothing but toxic. I've always wondered what it will be like living alone, nothing but my own freedom coming home to nothing but a nice warm bed and clean fresh clothes. Not having any issues or bruises on my skin, being able to just hang out with friends, not being afraid to ask them to come over to my place unlike now. I've always wished for someone to come be my savior to help me in any way even just offering me some clean clothes would help but I know life isn't like that I know I need to be my savior one day I will be that savior that I've always dreamed of how I'll finally be free but I'm not.
I went to the kitchen looked on the fridge at the note that said

Hey so your father is at a bar again and I'm off to have a one-night stand again. This is your chore list for today we will be home at the same time as all ways if not well we probably just left you. If you don't get your chores done you will receive your punishment.
• mop the floors
• clean your dad's car
• clean the bathroom
• clean dads office
• polish the floors
• do Landry 
• cut the front lawn
• get groceries
• vacuum
• clean the fireplace
(And more)

I sighed at the never-ending list that she always gives me. I just opened the fridge and saw a small tiny box with my name on it. I took it and put it in my bookbag and also placed a water bottle with it. That very tiny box is my lunch for school today. It's just leftovers. I cook everything for them and don't get to eat anything less if there are leftovers then I get to keep it. So I rarely get to eat that much. Not even a friend offered me food cause I don't have any. So many girls spread rumors about me that people are generally scared to ask me to be my friend or think that I'm some type of weirdo. I'm just a freak show to them but it's my only temporary escape from this hell house of a home so I just ignore it and go on with my life. As I got to school from walking there I went to my locker and paint sprayed all over me and all over my clothes from the inside of my locker. I sighed in annoyance. Yes because of these rumors people often pull pranks on me so I do feel like a freak show. I closed my locker and went to the bathroom. I opened the tap on the sink and water sprayed all over me. Some girls open the stall and laugh and left. I sighed at frustration the fact that they were using me as endless bait is now just getting old at this point.

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