𝗈𝗏𝖺 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 - 𝗇𝖾𝗐 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗌

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☾•☾going home for the holidays wasn't something you enjoyed

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going home for the holidays wasn't something you enjoyed. it was always the same old thing, nothing new. yet you always went back to how it was so long ago.

there was a few things you liked about the holidays, though the cons outweighed the pros. as of now you had finally made it home. and so opening the door you yelled-

"im home!"

though you were only met by silence, like every other year. what did you expect for your parents to be home? ha as if. this year would be just like the others, spending it alone.

you didn't dislike it per say, but you were still young. all you wanted was for your parents to actually be here for you, though it was clearly to much to ask for.

you had no other relatives to spend it with either, so your only choice was to go visit him. he was technically your relative but...it was never fun with him.

your older brother, your only sibling, the only one you spent the holidays with. other than the old man but he was your only blood-related relative in town.

so it'd be best to go over, I guess you'd have to update him about your year. leaving your stuff here you only took your phone, keys, and wallet.

"im going out!"

you should really break that habit. after all there was no one home. maybe it was because at seido you had roommates. and then you didn't feel so lonely.

you stopped by the flower shop, it'd be rude to go visit without a present of some sort. in your eyes it was anyways.


finally making it over to his place, yes he had his own place. you opened the gate. this time no yell of yours was heard, why would you need to yell anyways?

after all this was a graveyard, so there was no need to yell out that your here. how long had it been now? 8 years? yeah 8 years since he had passed. man how time flew.

by now you were both basically the same age. it was crazy, you'd be able to be older than him. it was odd, soon being older than him. whatever, he would've bugged you about it if that was the case.

you placed the flowers on his grave, ever so gently. like you had since you were 6. the holidays weren't good memories.

considering he had passed on new years, all it did was bring up bad memories. you knew that's why your parents were never home, they'd rather distract themselves. you would to but it wasn't like you could.

it felt like it was just yesterday he had left the world. you remember it so clearly, how could you not? it was the cause as to why your parents never let you outside.


eight years ago on new years...

your parents and you were at the hospital. you had to be there, your brother was there. so all of you had spent the day with him. he was always smiling despite being stuck there.

he wore the softest smile when you were there, but you knew it was fake. well now you did back then you were 6 you had no real grasp on the situation.

he passed due to a sickness, the same one you now had. he was only 15, a first year in high school. yet he didn't get to experience it.

he was there and the next thing you knew your parents broke down crying. it was the first time you had seen your father cry. but your mind didn't know. you mom just explained while sobbing.

"where did big brother go? is it really that far you're crying?"

"your big brother is gone, somewhere really really far away dear. you won't see him again okay? but he said you shouldn't cry be a big boy alright?"

she tried to muster up a smile but it didn't look right.

"why's he leaving? does he not want to play with me anymore?"

it only seemed to make your mother break down more, I mean how do you properly explain death to a six year old.

it was only years later it finally clicked, he was gone for good and he was never coming back. so this was mostly before you met kazuya. he didn't know, he just assumed you were an only child.

he didn't need to know anyways, no one did, it didn't involve them anyways.


so you could only tell your brother about your school, and the friends you'd made. oh and how you had made the first string, studies, anything you could think of.

though your voice broke and broke till there was nothing but sobs left. so there was only sobs on a cold winter day while snow fell. it really couldn't have been more fitting, how ironic.

after all now you suffered from the same sickness, you knew what this meant. your time was now limited, your estimate was the end of high school. so before then you'd just have to suck it up, and keep it a secret.

no one knew, and no one needed to know. stupid sickness, it only made it harder to play sports.

you let out a sigh, tears stained your face, your eyes felt droopy. perhaps you had been so tired, so tired of your thoughts. so you simply laid your head down on his tombstone.

you only let our tears that fell onto his grave. you were cold, though you didn't care. and so accidentally, you rested on top of your brother.


he scoffed, stupid kid. he'd get himself sick, more than he already was. this kid did this every year. so it wasn't anything new, but that didn't mean it was safe. though he couldn't blame him, no one was ever there for the kid.

not even his own parents. perhaps it was pity, because they were oh so alike. spending the holidays alone, with nothing but a grave to rely on. the kid has done this ever since he was 6 years old.

just like he had done this since he was 29, much longer than the kid. though seeing a 7 year old, now a teenager do this, it really broke him. the kid had gone through so much at such a young age.

he disliked the kids parents despite never meeting them. he thought that they were selfish, neglectful assholes. who leaves a grieving child alone, in the snow. they only thought about their own feelings, not once thinking about the kids.

"hey kid, wake up you'll get sick again."

his voice was rough from all the smoking he did no doubt. but the kid awoke nonetheless.

"hmm? oh it's just you old man...guess I was tired."

"damn kid, you give me the same shit every year. you'll get sick, even worse than you are now. I tell you this every year, yet you never listen"

"you don't listen to me either, I told you to stop coming, your backs going to give out on you one day."

"ya damn brat, this old geezer still has time, either way I have to visit her. and wake your ass up every year."

"you have as much time left as I do, so don't get cocky. I already told you, I'd give her flowers if you wanted me to yet you always decline."

"touché kid, though I'll keep declining your offer, i'd feel bad if I didn't come."

"yeah I get it...I'd feel bad if I didn't come here either."

"so are you coming over this year too?"

"I have too. what if your back gave out on you old man? you need me there."

"you damn brat! we all know you're the one who needs me there! or else you'd cry like a baby."

"at least my back works. plus you cry like a baby too! and you're an old man!"

"I swear one day I'm going to leave you here in the snow!"

"hahaha I know you wouldn't! you're hearts to soft old man, plus who'd be there to spend the holidays with you!"

he could only scoff, the kid was right. they both would spend it alone if not for each other. it was clear they had a bit of an odd relationship. but nonetheless they found comfort in each other's company.

if only their time wasn't so limited.


they were both there yet again, next to graves on new years. hot cocoa in hand watching the sky. perhaps it would've looked like a sad sight to anyone passing by. but they didn't care it was how they had spent their holidays for 7 years.

it was convenient his wife's grave was right next to the kids brothers grave. so here was quite the odd group. two kids and a old couple. well only a kid and an old man really.

they sat in comfortable silence sipping their drinks. it was 11:50 pm now, only ten more minutes till a new year. it felt like yesterday he woke up a bratty kid.

as nine minutes had passed it was now a countdown. the kids phone lied on the ground with a timer on.


"hey old man, thanks for spending today with me again. I really appreciate it, thank you."


"yeah? don't mention it, it's our little tradition now."


"alright thanks then old man."


"happy new years grandpa."

"yeah happy new years grandson."

fireworks illuminated the sky, while the old man and kid wore soft smiles. what a wonderful end to the year.

 what a wonderful end to the year

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this takes place in ur first year btw! might make one for ur other years too. you and the old man aren't blood related! it's just how you both have come to see each other. also I just felt the need 2 make this hahaha it was longer than I thought it would be though. I'll make a chapter for the main storyline later today promise!

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 | 𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃Where stories live. Discover now