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★•★oh yeah you'd totally keep his pitch in your heart

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oh yeah you'd totally keep his pitch in your heart. you had to hold back a chuckle that almost came out of your mouth. he hadn't made it. which was slightly disappointing...he seemed like he had a bit of promise but oh well...

since his pitch ended up curving...though he looked equally as shocked as other people. it barely missed the fence too. poor guy.

"I guess that's your answer. as you promised...give up on being a pitcher now!"

"hey,wait...that was..."

"you're not allowed to practice. if you're free, go run!"

oh how you pitied him. the coach was truly brutal at times.


and so the next morning when you showed up to practice, which was way too early in your opinion. the guy was running. and he had come earlier than everyone else...

I guess he was pretty determined. that was admirable in a way. seriously who shows up that early to just run...you'd never thought of showing up early. and you never will it was way to much work.

though lucky you since today was the semester opening ceremony. which meant you only had to do light practice. what a truly good day. so it was noticeable that you were pleased.


ever since all of that a month had passed since the semester began. which meant school. you didn't know which was worse, school or baseball.

in your opinion they're both terrible. school meant using your head to do actual work. and baseball meant you had to use your body to do actual work.

so they both sucked. one just had to use your mind and the other used your body. either way you hated both of them in some type of way.

and yet you were still struggling with baseball more than school. seriously how unbelievable! struggling with a sport? more than school at that!

maybe it was your motivation? that was the biggest issue you'd had, in everything. you didn't understand how people could be so motivated for a sport. maybe if you were more like them...never mind.

you'd just deal with this like you always had. suppress the emotions and don't burden anyone with your problems. it always worked, well in your eyes.


the entire first string was gathered around the coach. just squatting down in two lines. while the coach poked the ground with a stick.

"you get it, guys? the fall tournament confirms the selection, then there's the final selection in the summer...compared to those two, the spring tournament doesn't mean as much...and today's opponent is ichidaisan high,whom we lost to in the fall tournament! We're going to return the shame to them ten times over!"

"yes sir!"

"yeah! let's go as usual, guys."

and so the team stood up, while hunching over. hands over their chest. your legs hurt though, this was so much work.

"who are we?"

"the king seidou!"

"the ones who sweat the more than anyone else!"


"The ones who shed more tears than anyone else!"


"the ones who love baseball more than anyone else!"


"are you ready to fight!"

screams was the response everyone but you gave. you gave a very small, pathetic 'woo!'. this all took too much energy. screaming? too much energy. standing? too much energy.

maybe you were about to give out..

"with our schools pride, in our hearts we aim for just one thing, owning the nationals! let's go!"

more screaming entered your ears. and while everyone pointed up, you simply covered your ears. too much noise...so much noise...

but not much you could do about it. it'd be rude to ask for them to not do that. but at least it was over now. and the team walked towards the bus.

"all right! let's head out to the field now! if you want to watch the game get on the bus!"

maybe you'd be able to get some rest on the bus. if it wasn't too loud that is.

 if it wasn't too loud that is

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I hate loud noise personally. so I thought it would fit for the lazy reader to dislike it as well. plus I feel like screaming that's literally right next to you would hurt your ears lol.

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