Chapter 2

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11:44 am. April 10, 1912


Soon enough I found myself in line to board the Titanic. I felt so out of place in my black skinny jeans and All Time Low shirt while everyone around me had either a suit or a dress on. Everyone also had some sort of company with them, family or just friends. They were all talking to each other excitedly in the shadow of the looming cruise liner. I on the other hand, was attempting to be as invisible as possible because I was alone surrounded by complete strangers who obviously wanted to show off their richness on their faces. Before I knew it the family in front of me were let into the passageway that connected the ship's deck to the harbor, leaving me to face the ticket collectors. "How are you today Miss? Ticket?"

"Crap, hold on. I'm so sorry." Me being me, I had left my ticket in my bag and didn't think about taking it out before-hand (yes I'm that person). Skillfully maneuvering my carry-on bags around, I finally handed my ticket to the man, letting him punch a hole through it before shuffling up the passageway toward the ship. The bridge across the water wasn't very long so I got onto the ship fairly quickly. As soon as I stepped on board, I was immediately greeted by the ship's staff who were all dressed formally in suits and for the women, pencil skirts. They lined the entrance hallway smiling and welcoming me as I passed. My breathing hitched when my eyes landed on the same giant that had ran me over earlier on the docks. He was struggling to tie his tie while also trying to be all smiley and greet the passengers at the same time. Now that I had a good look at him I realised that he infact had tinted blue hair that lied messily on top of his head. He wore a suit identical to what the other male staff wore, but slightly disheveled. His collar was crooked as he tugged at the tie on his neck. From what I could see, his skin was pale, leaving his red lips to stand out. At this angle I could see the glint of an eyebrow piercing maybe? His piercing was confirmed when he lifted his head, his gaze locking with mine. A smirk spread across his face as he scanned me head to toe in all my way-too-casual glory, his loose tie forgotten on his neck. "Hellooo beautiful." he smirked when I got within hearing distance, "I'm Michael, Michael Clifford. What's your name?" I flashed him a glare, please don't tell me he's what I think he is.

"Ava" I stated blankly. A small chuckle left his lips,

How could he just stand there and casually flirt like we're not on one of the most expensive ships to travel on? He's probably just looking for a one night thing anyways. "Well Ava, I'll help you show you your room". He offered, emphasizing my name. "Ticket?" Damn it Ava not again. I groan inwardly as I shuffled around for my ticket, which I had placed back in my bag on the way onto the ship as this Michael guy watched me in amusement. My hand reached for my ticket for a couple seconds too long before placing in his open hand. He pulled it closer so he could focus on it and his eyes widened visibly, but it was gone just as it came, covered by a plastered-on smile. "First class huh?" I slowly nodded, as he led me up a flight of stairs and down a long hall.

"Yeah... My parents wouldn't accept anything less than the best even if it cost them a ton of money... Also the reason why I'm being shipped over to America..." I muttered the last part under my breath in hopes that he wouldn't hear. My hopes were confirmed when a low chuckle sounded from him, probably in response to my nonchalant use of strong language.

"I like you already." He stated as we stopped before a door with a golden "169" under the peep hole. He scratched the back of his neck, "Well this is it, room 169 is all yours." He said, glancing at the number on the door while stiffling a giggle. A giggle. "If you need anything just knock, my room is three doors down that way. Have a nice stay." He pointed further down the hall, before giving me a quick wave and walking quickly into his room.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding, pulling out the key card to my room and swiftly slide it through the slot near the knob. I slipped through, closing the door behind me and dropping all of my bags on the floor by the bed before jumping face down onto the bed itself. I groaned into the pillow, I had a feeling I'd see that blue haired boy again, whether I liked it or not.




Yes, I know I hardly ever update this story and I always promise I will, but I'm trying to keep up with school while preparing for band regionals and drum corps auditions so I'm a little busy, but I'll try to update as often as I can!





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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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