Elijah's Aggression

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I went upstairs with Cali after we discussed the plan and once we were upstairs we saw Elijah sleeping with the baby on his chest she loved this boy and I don't understand how the bond really solidified but I loved seeing them my whole heart in human form. Cali smiled "they're so cute" she laid next to Elijah and kissed his forehead then she sat in the dark I smelled the anger radiating off of her and it wasn't good "Don't do it it'll only make you darker" she stared at me I pointed my eyes to Elijah than back to her she just got the love she wanted back she laid next to him and cuddled him running her fingers through his hair I thought about the plan where I die because we all know to hurt Elijah is to kill me and the nogitsune knows that's be the perfect chaos I'll make it out alive for his and my daughters sake I thought. When the sun went down we all woke up Elijah's mom came through the door ready "let me get my grandchild" and she sat in the rocking chair holding the baby we all headed out to meet Scott at the school we got there the oni was waiting for us the others were in the school the twins were with Derek fighting off whatever until I heard Stiles voice "can you three hear me" we looked around Elijah eyes were set on the oni his eyes glowing red we can hear the monstrous growl just his eyes glowing and fangs out no claws but his scent came off angry and powerful "I'm going to turn him against everyone" and then oni charged but Elijah was fighting he threw three of them through the class windows he went in after them and we on the other hand had to fight just one which was proven to be harder than expected the fight was at a stand still until the oni cut me on my leg it stepped forward after pushing Cali down the stairs damn I thought I'm sorry Elijah I closed my eyes when I heard loud roar and I opened my eyes to Elijah and the ninja going head to head he tossed it into the school sign.

I watched in horror at how fast he was moving against the demonic ninja itself his eyes looked like they gotten darker the red looked dark but very bright Cali helped me up and we watched as Elijah slammed the oni spirit on its back picking up the sword and throwing it at the oni the demonic ninja fell to its knees but not because of the sword because there was a arrow in its back. Elijah kissed me then he ran in the school that's when I felt it the sharp sensation in my chest I looked down at the sword sticking out my chest next thing I knew the demonic ninja as killed and Cali was keeping me alive I looked at the blood still red maybe I can heal then I puked up blood and it was black maybe not I thought I have to make it for my daughter for Elijah I kept trying to summon all my wolf power to heal but the wound barely closed a inch I was dying I looked at Cali "take care of both of them he's going to need you the most when I'm gone" she stared at me tears in her eyes I wiped them off her "you can't die on him or me or the baby get up she started sobbing Derek ran over too us he told me Aiden died and that he smelled my blood he said the others were on the other side of school as soon as he said that Elijah was standing in front of me pure anger and disbelief knelt down and took my body in his arms "hey my love does the black blood make me look bad for it could be great mascara" he smiled "you're dying and you want to crack jokes you can't leave yet stay you can do this you're not just a wolf with blue eyes you're a alpha with blue eyes" he looked at me his eyes glowing his fangs grew and he roared at me my vision changed and I can feel myself feeling stronger my wound was healing as I roared back I stood up then took a knee everyone stared at me then we all looked at Elijah his eyes still glowing red fangs retracted he knelt down and picked me up and walked off he carried me to the car "how did you do that" I looked at him still in a lot of shock "did you know you could do that" I kissed him as he carried me to the car then he finally replied "no I just didn't want you dying on me or Aria" my heart fluttered my body was sore but I smiled "I love you Elijah I'll always love you"he kissed me and took me home. When we got home he carried me upstairs and laid me in the bed then he laid with me and we fell asleep.

I woke up to Elijah kissing my body Cali was in the shower the baby was downstairs with His mom and we had time to kill so I maneuvered myself on top of him and kissed him we made love for a solid 30 minutes before relaxing I stared at him I love this boy he makes me feel so loved I thought how can a boy who lost so much and sacrificed so much have this much love then I thought about his dad Elijah was a spitting image of his father and I was in love his courage his heart the way he looks at me the father of my child, there was nothing stopping him from anything. I kept replaying the color shift of his eyes the way they turned bright blood red I kept replaying how his roar made me heal what is he? I thought to myself just how rare of an alpha is he I must've been thinking to long before his arm wrapped around me "I love you but it's time to get up we got a child to care for" I smiled at him and here's to the next chapter in our psychotic lives.

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