The Demonic Ninjas Return

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I woke up to Marie doing her hair she was singing well she was humming a song I guess it was so soothing I didn't make a peep that way I can listen to her the whole time she stopped and turned her head in my direction all I did was close my eyes then she continued singing I smiled and opened my eyes  looking at her "that's a peaceful way to wake up" she turned to me smiling "I wasn't trying to wake you but since you're awake time to start the day we have school" it's been a whole 24 hours and the demonic ninjas haven't come back so Scott and everyone we're all going to school" she said kissing me I got up showered and got dressed then I went down stairs Ethan and Aiden were sitting at the table pushing and shoving in a playful way with my sisters my mother smiled "I can't believe I have two sets of twins people are going to ask how I'm alive"  I laughed as she turned to me she kissed my forehead "I'm proud of you" she walked back over I approached the table my smile fading my twin sisters and my brothers they looked at me "listen up we're facing a new enemy now Argent believes they only come out at night so we're going to school" I told them Ethan and Aiden nodded.

Marie and I Decided to Take a detour to have a little quality time while she was driving the twins were on our tails following us so we pulled over and she stared at me the twins pulled up on either side.

"I know you guys are part of my pack but I can take care of myself you guys saw they couldn't take me down easily right?" I looked at them they nodded well okay then "we got our asses handed to us by demonic ninjas" Ethan looked at his brother "you mean the demonic ninjas that pulled swords out of their chests and completely kicked our asses?" He asked and Aiden smiled "yeah those demonic ninjas"I looked at them then Aiden looked at me "listen this is our first time experiencing demonic ninjas we should play it safe all day" he said and I looked at Marie rolling my eyes and smiling "and all night" I said I told them meet me at my house later and they nodded. Marie and I were alone we decided to go into the woods I was walking when I caught a scent I looked in the direction it was a wolf but I could be wrong I looked in that direction of the scent then shook my head and kept walking with Marie she smiled at me we turned our phones off for a little considering I didn't want it to be on especially since we were on a date but we're still on call it was just me and her for next few hours well at least until the sun goes down. We walked and laughed and joked we kissed we took pictures and then around 7:30 we decided to go home and get ready for these demonic ninjas when we got home Aiden and Ethan were glaring at me "where the hell have you been if you guys were still out when the demonic ninjas came for you we wouldn't have known" I looked at them "I told you we'd meet you at the house right I didn't say when" and they stepped back realizing they were crossing a line my mom walked down stairs "what's with all the arguing I'm trying to sleep boys keep it down" she said walking upstairs but immediately retreated back down "something's up there" she said pointing I bared my fangs and made my eyes glow I roared as it jumped down stairs it swung it's sword I caught it and broke it the ninjas materialized out of the shadows closing in on me but my sisters started to fight and I roared even louder "mom Deaton gave you the ash right get it we'll throw them out the house" I told her I threw three of them out the window Aiden Ethan through one out Marie kicked one in it's chest out the upstairs window and my sisters tossed the last two out the front door and my mom threw the ash on the floor.

Marie walked up to me and laced her fingers through mine she kissed me then Scott called me and told me what happened with him and Kira and told me to let them in I told my mom break the seal only two ninjas walked in I looked at Marie I squeezed her hand and the ninjas grabbed our heads their eyes yellowish green staring and then they vanished I woke up in my room Marie next to me Scott also told me what they were and what they wanted anyways I got up and looked behind Marie's ear it was like the number five I laid back down what does it mean I thought.

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