Derek Has Yellow Eyes

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When got back to Beacon Hills the girls and I went home once I got home I went straight upstairs my daughter was asleep I kissed her head then laid down the girls laid next to me they kissed me we all fell asleep. I woke up after sleeping through most of the day Cali was still in bed with me but Marie was awake holding the baby singing to her laid down smiling at her until she saw me and she gave me a devilish smile "look it's dada" she turned so Aria can see me Cali then lifted her head laid it on my chest I looked at Marie she smiled "that's your daddy look Aria" she sat on the bed Aria's eyes darted towards me and she laughed and smiled "hi my love" I kissed her on the forehead Marie got up and left the room taking her downstairs I laid backdown Cali turned her back to me and I wrapped my arm around her she turned to face me she smiled then she kissed me Marie said just don't have a baby with her so me and Cali made love 20 minutes later Marie walked in "well it's about time y'all were making this whole three of us in a relationship awkward" she smiled but then it faded as her eyes glowed in my head I stopped before I couldn't control myself she stared at me and told me to go on a run with her so I showered got dress and went on a run soon as we were deep in the woods we stopped and she sent me flying into a tree "I had one rule Elijah" I can smell the anger on her "I didn't I made sure I stopped beforehand so it wouldn't happen" her anger faded "the only reason I didn't want that to happen is I barely survived if I wasn't a wolf I would've died truth is I wanted 2 with you can that happen" I nodded I kissed her "I love you both we got this" she smiled then pushed me "race you home" she lost but when we got upstairs Cali was on the floor "why does she look like she's not breathing" Marie stared at me I closed my eyes her heart thumped and I let out a breathe "oh thank god" I picked her up and her eyes slowly opened she looked afraid when she saw me "Elijah can we talk alone" I nodded Marie walked out into the hallway.

I sat next to Cali "what's wrong love" I laced my fingers through hers "is it true that if a true alpha mates with another wolf they grow fast" she looked at me with fear I held her "if you're trying to tell me you're pregnant Marie figured it out before you" she looked at me confused "yes it's true love" I kissed her belly then her she smiled at me "Allison would've killed us when we told her" I laughed but then the laughter faded at the sound of one of my best friends names I missed Allison I missed Aiden the kid had heart he wanted to do good at the end minus out all the bad he did he died fighting for what he believed so did Allison I thought. Marie walked in the room with my mom who had my daughter in her hands Marie kissed me then Cali I looked around then me and Cali told mom she looked at me then she stood up and slapped me "I love you but pick one baby mama to have babies with" she hugged Cali and Cali spoke "I only want this one no more after that" she kissed me then me and Marie told her she can't fight Kate right now she has to let the baby grow and be ready to birth the baby she looked relieved she went to lay down I called Deaton to keep an eye on her my mom still has the equipment she stole from her job so she brought it upstairs and she told me to go do what I had to and to be here before my second child popped out. Marie kissed Aria before handing her to my sister Carmen she stared at me then pointed to the stairs then made a c with her hands then mouthed the word pregnant I nodded and she rolled her eyes "oh my god I'm going to slap you" she went and sat on the couch Marie and I met Scott and Malia and Peter at the school I was lagging behind because I caught a scent Malia stopped and said something first "it's the same one from Mexico that smell" I looked around "go I'll hold it off" Marie stared at me and kissed my cheek "don't die on us now" I nodded and ran down the stairs I cut the corner and ran into the berserker but thank god for super fast reflexes I dodge a few punches then this is when the fight got interesting a second one appeared but it ran to the courtyard of the school so I shoved the one I was fighting into the wall and chased after the other one Marie was upstairs unconscious I ran to her she got up shook it off but we were surrounded "go home protect Cali" I looked around both berserkers closed Marie jumped off and landed on her feet and ran.

The berserkers have one hell of a reputation but so did I the others were injured on the floor I on the other hand was going toe to toe with the both of them Scott roared but he was still down I kept fighting like a demon until I saw Derek then it was a fair fight until they both focus on Derek and I didn't need to help but he had it handled. I watched him fight studying the moves so I can apply it too my fights with them until I heard a roar and they took off running Derek was on one knee then he turned to us and his eyes glowed but I was more shocked because they were yellow not blue. I helped Scott and the other to their feet then I headed home I got their right on cue I ran up stairs to Cali screaming "get him out GET HIM OUT" she screamed louder I held her hand and just like Marie she was breaking my hand but she relaxed as she pushed him out "Elijah" she looked at me "I'm here my love" I kissed her and she relaxed more as Deaton held a screaming new born he cut the cord and my mother took the baby to clean her off "another girl Elijah congratulations" he shook my hand and left I looked at Cali I tended to her I got a cold wash cloth and put it on her forehead she smiled Marie held her hand "you two are cute when you're worried" she smiled Marie kissed her "get some rest baby girl" she laced her fingers through Cali's I kissed Cali and once she was sound asleep I pulled Marie into the hallway "tell me you felt what I felt that fear I smelled was insane" she nodded "it's because of Kate isn't it do you think she's targeting you and Cali now" I shrugged my shoulders if she knows about my child she's going to regret targeting me "hey let's focus on the threats later you're the father of two girls now let's celebrate her birth okay" she kissed me and we went downstairs another day I thought.

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