Stiles is Missing

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I must've been so tired that Marie was fed up and she shook me out my sleep I look at the clock it says 2:00 am I looked at her and her face said it all I got up "what's wrong" she stared at me for an extra minute "Stiles is missing Scott texted me before I woke you up" she didn't have to explain I woke everyone up Ethan and my sisters Aiden was with Lydia and knowing Lydia her powers probably told her what's happening. I told the girls to search every place in beacon hills then I told Ethan we were going to search the woods me and Ethan were zooming through the woods I mean faster than I've ever ran as a werewolf Ethan ran up a rock and flipped I did a flip out of a tree then looked around using my real eyes I caught a scent that might've been Stiles I don't know and we took off running "it's freezing out here"Ethan rubbed his hands together I looked at him and nodded "it's supposed to drop below the twenties tonight and we should pick up the pace because Marie told me he's hurt and bleeding" as I started zooming through the woods again. Ethan and I searched the entire reserve nothing then I got a text from Scott "my mom and dad found him" and I showed Ethan my phone and we headed for the hospital when I got there everyone was waiting outside Aiden my sisters and Marie Aiden was talking to Derek I kissed Marie then walked up to Derek he looked at me and nodded I hugged him.

"so you're here to stay?" I looked at him and he smiled "yeah I'm back for good" I was sitting in the waiting room with Scott when Derek sat in the empty chair across from us they started talking about chemo signals I learned that a few months back before the alpha pack came into full affect against us Derek looked at us "remember the night you taught me to control the shift" Scott looked at him "I think you and Elijah taught me more about that one" he smiled then he stared at us I looked at Scott "you teaching us again" both of us asked him and he smiled "think of it as a few trade secrets" he smiled.

"you know my family they didn't just live in beacon hills they protected it" he said I looked at him and smiled "as grumpy as you maybe Derek you're definitely Talia's son" I said to him I never told him when I had my grandmother who Inherited his power after he died that she used his claws to send me to him I talked to my dad and he told me that Talia's protection wasn't why he did what he did he told me that we are related to the Hale Family cousins in fact My dad and Talia Are half siblings.
I told Derek everything he looked at me with disbelief "I'm not just a Sanchez I'm A Hale" I looked at him Scott and Marie they all were in shock mainly Marie because I never told her. I was struggling for words when it hit me and apparently Scott as well "he wasn't just struggling with himself he was struggling not to do something" Scott looked at us all four of us got up and went to the roof "I don't think he was struggling with himself I think he was struggling with himself not to do something like he was fighting for control or something" I looked around following Stiles emotional scent I looked above the electrical box and Scott jumped up there reaching until his eyes widened and he pulled a bag of tools down while they were looking at the bag I was looking around to find out what the actual hell Stiles was doing up here until I saw the wire and I got there attention "guys" I looked at the wire I can hear it buzzing with so much electricity the others stood next to me following my gaze then it broke and then all I remember after that was chaos I ran down stairs and outside everyone was stepping in the water which was electrified and it was electrocuting everyone until I saw Isaac throw Allison from the water and get electrocuted himself then Kira jumped on a car and grabbed the wire and put her other hand over it as me Scott and Derek watched her eyes started glowing a fiery orange as the electrical current dissipated in her hands and she dropped the wire I looked at the guys before running over to Marie who was next to Allison "SCOTT HE'S NOT BREATHING" Derek yelled holding Isaac I told Scott and Derek me and Marie will go after stiles and search all night if we have too I told the twins they're with Scott until me and Marie got back. I hope Isaac is okay I thought.

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