Kate's Return

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The life of a father is never easy junior year was starting and I still only have one class so today we brought Aria too school with us she stayed in the school daycare everyone was talking about us until I stared at them then I could smell the fear radiate off of them we walked into coach's class everyone was staring my aggression has definitely been out of control since that one night last year when we lost Allison... so when everyone started whispering I got aggressive to the three dudes in the back cracking jokes about Marie I yanked the ring leader by his neck "you got something you want to say" everyone was staring at us he shook his head so I lifted him higher "Elijah breathe put him down" Marie's voice washed over me. I dropped the kid and told him too keep his jokes to himself everyone looked at me until I noticed Scott and everybody was missing I called his mom she said they went to get Derek back from Mexico I told Marie I told my mom I was going after him and she gladly said she'd take my daughter while we leave to get Derek back Cali, Marie And I got on the road to head to Mexico I guess we were way behind because when we got there Scott and the others were already inside this club. Once we got in I finally caught up to Scott he told me the plan and I told The girls and we started blending in I was dancing with the girls one of them was behind me the other in front that was until they figured out we weren't from around the area we took down the guards with ease I followed Scott with everybody else behind us then smoke starting filling the halls "wolfsbane" Scott looked and at Kira "Kira get out of here" me and Scott fell to our knees coughing when the head hunter of this family walked up to us "for two smart kids like you who've only been alphas for a year it wasn't smart walking into my home" Me and Scott told her why we were here and then when we caught her scent Scott realized she didn't have him and said it to her then she shocked us.

I woke up to Cali and Marie sitting next to me my head in Marie's lap I sat up they both kissed me and I got up Scott was still unconscious the others told me what happened and that they had Lydia I tried opening the door so I can go get Lydia but it was no use Scott eventually woke up they told him what happened I lurk in the shadows with the girls Scott looked at me "where the hell did you three come from earlier" he said staring me dead in my eyes "you guys just left Beacon Hills" I looked at him nodding and then he looked at the others they talked about everything while the girls were looking at me Cali's eyes were glowing she was looking at the floor studying it I kissed her cheek "what do you see" I looked at her she looked at me "the dried blood it's a different color use your eyes" I made my eyes glow I looked at floor I see what she was telling me about the blood. I looked at Marie and Cali "do you know who's blood that is" I laced my fingers through Cali's and she took a breathe then nodded "it's Kate's blood" she's said very lowly with that being said one of the Calaveras came into the room and he shocked me and Scott I woke up chained to a chair next to Lydia and Scott I turned to Araya she looked at us and explained that Kira would basically be shocking us to death if we answer her questions incorrectly I looked at her when she said if we didn't answer her question they would turn the dial on Lydia. I looked at her "so these questions ask them" I looked at her "just like your father so quick to take the pain to save others míjo" Scott looked at me "your father was a wolf" he stared at me but then Araya asked her first question "where is Derek Hale?" I looked at her but Scott answer first he got us shocked she looked at me "you want to guess míjo" I looked at her and I know exactly who took him so I answered with a valid answer "somewhere here somewhere sacred in Mexico" she smiled then asked her next question Scott got us shocked again then she looked at me "míjo?" I answered again with a solid but not very satisfying answer "someone we know someone who's tried to kill us" she smiled again then instead of asking a new question she looked back at Scott asking him the same question getting agitated then she ordered Kira to turn the dial all the way up shocking me and Scott but she didn't so Araya moved her out the way and turned the dial up until we shifted and broke free of the shackles.

"Say the name Scott" she said beaming at him then he lifted his head "Kate" and I nodded she looked at me "you knew didn't you because of her daughter?" She stared at me and I nodded "her blood glows different than normal people or  normal wolves" she stared at me nodding she let us all go telling us that why she did all of this she wanted to see what kind of alphas we were then she told us she was giving us a guide the girls ran to me kissed me checking me for wounds I smiled "I'm okay" they kissed me again then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder I turned to Scott "so your dad he was a wolf how come you weren't a born wolf then" he looked at me curiously "we were lucky to be born human" I smiled at him then I tapped him on the back as we walked to our friends then we heard the motorcycle when we saw who it was we instantly knew this could go bad I told the girls follow Stiles I rode in the jeep with them it was snug but we rode in silence until Malia broke it "so who's Kate Argent" I looked at her then Scott "uh I'd like to know too" Kira looked at Scott who stared at me but Lydia spoke "she was Allisons aunt" Kira nodded "you don't have to tell us if-uh yes he does"the Malia girl stared at me and Scott but Stiles spoke up "alright Kate was the one that set the fire that killed most of Derek's family" I looked at Scott then spoke "some of them survived like Cora and Peter" I looked at Kira "a very angry Peter" Lydia applied. Scott and I we spoke in unison "yeah he's the one who bit us" Lydia turned to Scott then Kira "and the one who finally caught up to Kate and killed her" Stiles sounded frustrated "yeah but we saw her buried he looked at Scott "no we saw a casket remember she was never in it" I shivered thinking about that psycho "yeah when the Calaveras heard Kate had been killed by an alphas claws they wanted to make sure she was really dead" Scott stared at the window "her body was healing more and more the closer she got to the full moon she was coming back so they switched the bodies" I looked at Scott nodding then I spoke "they took her when a hunters bit they go by a code a code to kill themselves before their first shift into a wolf" I said Lydia grabbed my hand "the Calaveras they treat the code like law they make it their responsibility to enforce it" Scott added "good for her I wouldn't do it either" she shifted awkwardly "would you kill a bunch of people to get out because that's what she did" Scott looked out the window Kira sat up "so Kate's a werewolf now?" She asked Scott made a face trying to figure it out "I don't know but there's a saying sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are" he said "what kind of shape is sociopathic bitch" then the car stopped like we hit something I got out and told the girls stay with them while I go with Scott and the girl who saved Isaac.

Scott and Kira had a moment then he let go and we hopped on her bike and took off  we got to the church Braeden start telling us the history of the church then she told us something that really caught me off guard it was built on top of a Aztec temple which belonged to the Nagual I looked at her "were-jaguars" I said she nodded at me I looked at the temple and then we decided to head down into the church. I was lagging behind I told them I'd catch up I caught a scent that smelled like death I walked around the village then I heard it and I ducked I ran outside where this person with animal bones and a animal skull over his face what did Marie call them I couldn't remember I fought it me and the beast was going head to head then it clicked she called them berserkers she told me how to beat it but I threw him into a building and ran after Scott and Braeden I caught up to them I kept lagging behind to make sure that thing didn't come behind us. I was walking behind them while they talked I was still smelling the berserker then Braeden said it "did you hear that" and then Braeden started shooting couple more shots went by before she asked "where is it do you guys see it" she said and I shook my head "no I don't see anything" Scott swung the flashlight in every direction she asked us where is it then she told us get behind her then Scott stepped forward and roared then turned to us "I think I scared it" and Braeden and I looked at him then she spoke "I think you scared everything. The wall behind us crumbled we walked towards Braeden told us what it was then we told her stand back and Scott and I punched the wall open she shined the light on him me and Scott looked at each other "oh my god" Scott looked at me again we helped him out and brought him back too side where everyone was waiting for us "is that him that's Derek" Malia looked at Stiles who looked at him "uh sort of".

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