Me And Scott Create Betas

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I've been out of school recently doing my duties as a father too both my daughters Aria and Juno but I recently heard about a family being murdered except for one kid. I decided to check the house out by myself I walked in through the backdoor and started looking around for any signs of supernatural activity all I got from whoever broke in was aggression whoever attacked seriously wanted this family dead. I looked around some more and caught a familiar scent I walked upstairs and saw Lydia in one of the bedrooms "oh you scared the hell out of me wait how'd you even get passed me I've been here the entire time" I looked at Lydia she stared at me "there's something here" I took her hand "Lydia focus close your eyes and take a breathe and listen to what you hear" I let go of her hand as she walked down stairs eyes closed she turned to the wall attached to the staircase but before we could do anything a deputy burst through the door Lydia told me to head out so I did. I was on my way home zooming through the woods when I smelled blood I followed the scent it was girl couldn't be younger than seventeen she was bleeding bad I ran to her "hey hey you're going to be okay what happened" I looked at her and she stared at me relaxing her body "I was attacked by something I nodded my head "I can save you but you have to be okay on what it can do to you" she nodded but I guess that took to much because she passed out I grabbed her arm and bit her then I picked her up and carried her to my house when I brought her inside everybody was downstairs I took the girl upstairs and laid her down on the bed. Marie and Cali were standing behind me glaring "relax I found her bleeding out she wasn't going to make it I had no choice but to bite her" they looked at me like I've grown a third eye "you bit her?" They both asked in unison and I nodded "she has a better survival rate of the bite if she's dying the bite would more likely take" they nodded I looked away for a minute and I notice the smell of her blood was gone I turned and knelt next to her her bite healed her wound gone she woke up.

I helped her to her feet she stared at me then she looked to where her wound was realizing it was gone "what did you do to me" she said smiling I told her to sit down she did I made my eyes glow "what I did to save you made you like me" she nodded "are you like some kind of vampire or werewolf or something" I nodded "werewolf my eyes they're red because I'm an alpha a very powerful one" she nodded still touching where her wound was "so you're my alpha now" I nodded "what does that make me though" she stared at me with curiosity "you're a beta which means I'm going to teach you control because on full moons you'll shift and your aggression and animal instincts will take over and you'll try to kill everything and anything" I told her and she shivered she was processing a lot but handling it well "the full moon is tomorrow so you're telling me not only am I a werewolf but if I don't learn control I can kill someone" she seemed afraid the girls approached her "hey it's okay Elijah wouldn't let you hurt anyone he's the alpha for a reason and not just any regular alpha he's a true alpha" the girl relaxed "is there any good symptoms too being a werewolf" I nodded "the bite gave you a makeover and you have the ability to heal hear smell and move faster than the average human being" she smiled liking the abilities of her new power "that's cool and super fast healing" she laughed "what's your name" she froze she rubbed her side as if the wound was there  "my name is Destiny" I nodded and knelt next her "in order to not die I had to become a monster" she started to cry and I made my eyes glow wiping her tears "you're a werewolf Destiny not a monster like all of us" she wiped her eyes staring at me smiling Marie and Cali smiled "do you have a place to stay" Marie asked her she shook her head then started playing with the pendant around her neck "no I don't I ran away from home when I went back my mom had already passed away" she lowered her head but I lifted it "you have a home here with your pack" she stared at me with pleading eyes then smiled at me "come on I'll introduce you to the rest of the pack" Marie said then it was just me and Cali alone.

Cali was smiling at me "I'm so proud of you my love" she kissed me as she threw her arms around my neck I wrapped my arms around her waist we kept kissing for another three minutes before we both pulled away to breathe as soon as we stopped I sat down and Cali laid her beautiful self on top of me my phone rang Scott had called me to let me know what went down "he said he was wendigo do you know what that is" I sat up with Cali in my arms "wendigo Scott is he dead Scott you have to keep my mom and your mom away from him wendigos are cannibalistic shape shifters" I told him as Cali got up staring at me with horror he told me some guy probably the same guy that killed his family killed him on the roof then he told me he bit someone then I really stood up "you bit someone I guess we both just made betas" I told him about the girl I bit then he told me to bring her to the lake house tomorrow night then I hung up. Cali stared at me still "so a guy with a combat axe killed a family of wendigos isn't that good though" I shook my head "not when the killer had no mouth" I told her she stared at me blank "so we have a homicidal mute killer killing supernatural creatures baby our child is a born wolf what the hell is going on" she stared at me I kissed her "I have no idea but no one is touching either of my daughters" she smiled and nodded Marie came back in the room with Destiny right behind her so when when Cali and Marie Kissed me Destiny looked confused but then caught on "so all three of you are like in this what's those relationships called it's cute" she smiled I filled in Marie on what Scott told me "Wendigos haven't been in beacon hills in years" she said her expression looked more worried than concern "why would a killer with no mouth slaughter an entire supernatural family he's not a hunter" Cali asked me I looked at the floor there can be only two explanations a supernatural creature hurt someone he loved or he's being paid "he's being paid to we have too assume he's not the only killer being paid to kill supernatural creatures my sisters are staying out the fight to protect Aria And Juno" Marie And Cali Nodded "what about the rookie here you wanna keep her hidden until we finish this fight of life or death" I looked at Destiny her eyes were blue but I can sense so much anger inside her she's dangerous and that's good I looked at her and shook my head "I'll teach her everything but first we have to get her through the full moon tomorrow night" I told her everyone nodded Destiny said she wanted to sleep and she went downstairs to her new room I laid on the bed with the girls and I fell asleep instantly another normal day in Beacon Hills I Thought.

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