Chapter 11

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Darien's POV

I didn't remember falling asleep, but I had woken up hours later to the room being completely dark. I assumed it was the late hours of the night by the way the moon shone in through the small window. Every time I looked out that window I debated whether or not to try and get out, but I always decided against it. It was far too high for me to hoist myself up on and I wasn't certain I could fit through such a narrow space.

I rubbed my eyes before standing up to go to the door. I was sure that my four hours must've been up by now and so I tried the door handle, relieved when it turned. I pulled the door open and stepped out into the hall, seeing everything dimly lit. Every light in the house was turned off except for a small flicker from down the stairs. I marched to the top step before descending down the flight, my feet landing softy on the level below.

I saw that the flicker of light was in fact just the tv running quietly in the living room, some old movie playing. I furrowed my eyebrows when I did not see Harry anywhere, and I wondered why he would have left the tv on if he went upstairs to bed. I thought about searching the other rooms for him but I shook my head at the idea, positive that he would not be walking around the house in the pitch dark. I walked further into the living room to sit and watch the tv in hopes that Harry wouldn't pop up out of no where and scare the living day lights out of me, but when I got closer I noticed him sprawled out on the sofa fast asleep. I smiled slightly at the sight of him looking so unaware and innocent in his sleepy state but I swiped the smile off my face at the realization that I was swooning over my kidnapper for a moment.

I sighed to myself at my own ridiculous mind before I approached his sleeping body, getting ready to lightly shake him awake. Before my hand came in contact with his arm, however, an idea popped into my head. He was completely passed out cold with the sound of the tv in the background. He wouldn't know of my disappearance until morning and it was dark out so it would be hard for him to maneuver his way through the dark in search for me if he were to wake up. If I wanted to get out of here, now would be the perfect time.

I leaned back away from his body and took slow steps from the couch. I tried to keep my feet as light as possible on the floor as I walked to the door. I did not have any shoes to wear on my feet but I was not going to search for a pair at a time like this. Getting out safely and unnoticed was my top priority, not how sore my feet would become. I took a deep breath as I grabbed onto the door handle, twisting it in hopes for it to open. My high spirit immediately deflated when it was locked, just like I had initially assumed. I had never seen a door handle with a keyhole on the inside until that moment when I became aware of the fact that the door locked with a key from both the inside and the outside.

What a hassle, I thought to myself.

A million ideas zoomed through my thoughts as I tried to come up with a way around this, but none were realistic enough to accomplish. I could not break the doorknob with my hands, I could not cut through it with my angry gaze, and I could not kick the door down. My only option was to search for the key, but that idea diminished too as Harry started to stir in his spot across the room.

I ran to the bottom of the steps and stood there for a few seconds before starting to walk to the couch when Harry sat up. My plan was to make it seem like I had just gotten down the stairs. He looked around confusedly before he ran his hands through his hair and stood up, turning to look at me with curiosity.

"How log have you been awake?" His voice was groggy due to the fact that he had just woken up, and his eyes were still drooping shut every few seconds.

"I just woke up now. I came downstairs to see what you were doing," I told a little white lie. My initial intentions were to do that, but I had been awake for awhile already and my innocent act was just that; an act.

He pulled his phone out from his jeans pocket and pressed the home button, the screen lighting up. "It's after ten o'clock, you should go back to sleep. That's where I'm headed," he told me.

"I've been asleep all afternoon. Can't say I'm all that tired," I shrugged and slouched in my spot.

"I went up there earlier to let you out but you were fast asleep so I just left the door unlocked," he informed me, also shifting on his feet. A minute or two of complete silence went by before I finally decided to break it by speaking up.

"I really am sorry for earlier, Harry."

And I was. I was very sorry for snooping through his things, I had no right to do so. I was just curious and I couldn't help but want to learn more about him. I am in a very serious and dangerous situation and it was only natural for me to act on impulse.

"I know," he nods. "But I do not wish to speak of that any longer."


"Now, please go back up to bed. I am very tired and I do not feel comfortable leaving you down here alone while I am sleeping," He explained, pointing to the stairs.

"I promise I won't do anything if you let me stay up and watch the television for awhile. I'll keep the volume dow-"

"No. I would like for you to go to sleep," he shook his head.

"If you insist," I replied sarcastically in a quiet tone, hoping he wouldn't hear the hiss in my words.

"I do," I heard him say as I started to walk back up the steps. I rolled my eyes.

I shut the door behind me after I entered the room. I had a feeling that Harry would be coming to lock it in a few minutes anyway so I saw no point in leaving it open. Not that I would have anyway.

I lied down on the not-so-soft mattress and tried to fall asleep again but it was next to impossible with no blanket to cover myself with. I could only ever sleep when I wasn't tired if I had the comfort of a blanket or a pillow to hang on to, and since the pillow was disgustingly filthy, I would not be cuddling into it anymore than I had to. I would need to speak to Harry about letting me use clean linens from now on.

Sleep must of came eventually, as I woke up again to daylight. The room was lit up brightly and I could've sworn I heard birds chirping outside but the sound, real or not, only made my level of depression deepen. I was sure that if I ever got out of here I would need to be prescribed antidepressants.
I tired the handle but it was locked, I guess Harry never came to open it yet. I rested my forehead on the door and sighed deeply, images of what my life had so quickly become flashing before my eyes. It was such a sick and annoying feeling to want to escape your own skin but know that you couldn't. I had never been that way before and it was such a shame that I was able to say I was now.

After some time, I lifted my fist to the wood and knocked on it lightly. It wasn't heard of to have to knock on a door to leave a room rather than to enter it, yet here I was, waiting to be let out by Harry. He came to the door seconds later and unlocked it, greeting me with a small, tight-lipped smile.

"Good morning."

"G-good morning," I stuttered. I was not expecting his mood to be so uplifted.

"Breakfast is on the table. I already ate so help yourself to as much as you want. I'll be working in my room so please do not disturb me unless it is necessary," he said. He turned away from me and disappeared behind his bedroom door.

I made my way downstairs, confused and hungry. I gathered a shitload of food onto a plate and started shovelling it into my mouth as if I had just discovered what eating was. As I ate, I was left wondering why a murderer was keeping me in his home as if I were a house guest for no real apparent reason.

There you go, chapter 11! Please vote and comment what you think, I put a lot of time and effort into this one. Also, please tell me your thoughts on my last note as well, I've been trying to put work into that, too. Thanks loves xx

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