Chapter 20

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I told you I would post five things about me, so here you go:
1. I love to read and write more than anything (lol obviously)
2. I like to draw/ sketch. I'm not fabulous but I enjoy it anyway.
3. I like to sing kind of. People say I'm good but idk oh whale
4. I'm 15. I haven't said my age before but it's on my profile so wow. What were you guys expecting my age to be?
5. Narry af. I'm both a Harry and a Niall girl bc I can't decide. gosh.
Tell me about yourself in the comments!

This is the chapter I have been waiting since the very beginning to write! Brace yourselves. Enjoy xx

*Not edited yet*

Darien's POV

A day had gone by; only one day but it felt like a lifetime to me. I isolated myself in my room before Harry got home the other day. I heard him pull into the driveway so I made a haste climb up the stairs before he could enter the house. I didn't feel like speaking to him. He came up to talk to me later, however, and explained that he was in town doing a few things. My paranoia got the best of me but he quickly assured me that he had not been killing anyone, which I was relieved about.

Harry was being awfully confusing the whole day yesterday. He was very nice and caring for a reason I didn't know of. He got angry with me once for slipping in my socked feet and almost falling on my butt. He managed to catch me mid-air and scolded me for not being careful. He also proceeded to say that he didn't want to see me get hurt. It was all too much to take in, really. I never would have thought that Harry would show concern for my safety.

When he wasn't saving me from a sore behind, he was being touchy and just overall the opposite of his usual self. If I didn't know any better I would say that he was trying to be compassionate and considerate. It was still a mystery to me.

I was walking around the house at the moment, doing any little thing to try to entertain myself. I even went as far as asking Harry to take me into town to do something fun like see a movie or go shopping, I even vowed to wear some type of disguise to keep my identity hidden, but after the last stunt I pulled, he wasn't having it. I expected him to yell at me for even suggesting such a thing, but he just simply said no a politely explained why we couldn't. He got slightly harsher when I started to pester, but quickly corrected himself and told me to give it a rest.

When I entered the living room while coming out of my thoughts, I noticed something lying on the floor in front of the couch. Harry had slept there the other night a few hours after he came back from town, claiming that he was too tired to get up and go to his bed. I didn't protest.

I approached the black cloth material and recognized it as one of Harry's t-shirts, assuming it was the one he was wearing the other day. He probably took it off before he fell asleep and it managed to get kicked under the couch without either of us knowing. It makes sense that I didn't notice it yesterday, seemings as when I wasn't in my room, I was in the kitchen cleaning up and making cookies. I begged Harry to let me bake for a bit because I needed something to keep me occupied. I was surprised when he agreed, to say the least.

As I pulled the shirt from the floor, my eyes knitted together in a mixture of confusion and pure disgust. Not only did the shirt have random holes and rips, it was covered in what appeared to be blood. I dropped it instantly, vigorously wiping my hand on the sweatpants I was wearing. I tried my hardest not to scream when I figured out what the substance was, and to my luck, I managed to contain myself. A million scenarios and possibilities were running through my head all at once, causing a dull ache above my forehead.

"Harry!" I called out, struggling to find my voice. I entered the kitchen as Harry turned around, looking at me with wide eyes.

"What?" He asked, his voice laced with just as much confusion as mine had been.

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