Chapter 2

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Yuta closed the gate behind him as Asha spoke to the maidens. Locking it so the men would not find their way in. Unfortunately in Valgore these woman where most likely to get raped or kidnapped. Due to these men acting like savages, craving the touch of a woman. Unlike Yuta who didn't really care about such a thing.

He would rather focus on his training and keeping his men in perfect shape. He was the General of the guards after all. Making him way too busy to even have the thought of a wife. He also didn't think much for a successor as much as he was told to or so that's what he's been told.

As he was on his way back to the palace he heard someone call out to him. Turning his attention he saw his mentor waving at him from afar. He wore his dark uniform just like Yutas but with less badges.

"Good after noon Gojo, please tell me your here to see me and not the new maidens." Yuta said knowing his mentor too well. He was always looking for new maiden to be his wife even if he already had two. Clearly one wasn't enough.

"Yuta Im hurt, I would never do such a thing. I didn't even know about this news until now." He says looking around clueless. "But now that I'm here I might as well." He continued.

Yuta let out a small laugh.

Gojo was the general before Yuta but had retired due to an accident that happened a few years ago. That being him getting caught by the enemy once. Supposedly it was very traumatic yet he didn't show it. He didn't speak much of it in the first place, not like Yuta was going to force it out of him anyways. Now Gojo was known as the lieutenant and would have less work than he usually would.

A lot of men envied him for not only being married to two woman but for the amount of money he had. You would hear them say that he was taking all the good ones and not leave any for the rest. There was rumors about him sleeping with any woman he laid eyes on. Which was a lie, he was surprisingly faithful to the ones he married.

"Gojo I doubt you need any more wives, can you even keep up with them?" Yuta asks wanting to know the answer.

His mentor laughed and leaned against the gate. " Yuta my boy of course I can."

"They must really care for you well if you want more" Yuta said.

Gojo rested his chin on his hand as he leaned over a barrel that sat in the side of the road. "Woman have this ability to bring you to peace. Also knowing you're going to get home to see your dolls dressed up so beautifully makes me feel like a king. How they caress you and make you feel all warm. Their like sirens in those old tales. They just drag you in. You would understand if you had one." Gojo said.

Yuta stood there thinking if he ever felt that way. "Isn't it like food then?" Yuta asks.

"Well you can eat it up. But this food in never ending." Gojo winks and begins to walk off. He waved his hand so Yuta could follow along. The boy looked around making sure no other male was around the gate and then followed. He shouldn't be seen slacking off like this but he was sure it wouldn't hurt. Walking down the streets he could see men whispering to each other about the news. While woman would step outside of their house to pick up the laundry from the lines and run back inside afraid of being kidnapped.

Hopefully this was going to create change. Making woman feel more comfortable stepping outside. With more females around they would actually enjoy being in this country. These past years it just seemed so dark and gloomy.

"I think it's time you get a wife Yuta." Gojo said as he stopped at the entrance of his house. He welcomed Yuta inside by opening the door. As Yuta stepped in he was greeted by two woman. One being a blonde girl with green eyes and the other being very dark skinned with curly hair. They wore big fancy dresses and had their hair nicely done.

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