Chapter 4

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The morning came sooner than you hoped. You were awoken by the sounds of trumpets and drums playing.

Who in the hell would be making such a ruckus early in the morning? Sitting up you look around to still see pitch black. The basement was not going to get any brighter than this you thought to yourself.

Feeling your way to the stairs you grab onto the rail and carefully lead yourself up until you grabbed the door nob. When opening it the smell of bacon floated in the air. Making you thankful breakfast existed. Poking your head out you could see maidens walking around with curlers in their hair and different sorts of gowns. You raise your brow confused on why everyone seemed to be getting ready all of a sudden until you where pulled out of the door.

"About time you have awoken. Do you not hear those men playing their drums for the maiden auction? quick go take a bath and come down for breakfast." Asha said pointing down the hall where a butler stood waiting for you. You bite your cheek in annoyance but followed. As much as you disliked it you had to listen. It was better than ending up in the community.

You watched as everyone's eyes landed on you. The gossip for today must be the girl who failed to escape the estate. The girl who was made to look like an entire fool.

Walking on the cold tiles you enter the bathroom closing the door behind you. Slipping off your dress you looked in the mirror. Your face still looked sickly pale. You would think you would be panicking thinking you won't be auctioned off but you didn't care. Not much you could do now anyways.

Dipping your toe into the water you felt the warmth of it. You proceeded to emerge yourself in. Listening to the water sizzle with the soap.

This was probably going to be the last calming time you were going to have. Who knows what's going to happen next. Whatever it was, you just hoped for the best.

Suddenly a knock was hear at the door. You slouch on the bath tub throwing you head back over the edge.
"Come in" you say closing your eyes not caring who saw you like this. They were all women after all.

"Miss y/n I'll be telling you your schedule today," you open your eyes surprised by the sudden female voice. An old lady stood there, she must be a maid that you haven't seen before.

"Oh theirs actually other females that work here other then Asha?". She had tan skin and big brown eyes. Her hair being dark and in a tight bun, She wore a basics maid dress with the black and white apron.

"Ah yes my name is Saanvi, I do majority of the work here," she said clasping her hands down.

You nod at her sinking yourself deeper into the water to the point where the water covered your mouth.

"Today you will get your hair done and your clothes chosen by Asha. Your makeup will be done naturally and you'll eat breakfast. You will be escorted out with the other girls and that's when the event will being." Saanvi said.

You blow bubbles in the water as a response.

She stood there for a few seconds rubbing her right arm thinking of what to say.

"I heard what happened last night and you shouldn't be scared y/n, it all happens for a reason. Men are superior to us and we must submit."

Your brow twitched of annoyance. Was this her way of pushing her ideas to you? Or was it actually the way she thought? Their was no way this girl could of possibly said something so ridiculous. Grabbing the bottle of shampoo you pour some on your head and massage your scalp as you heard her speak.

"And if we don't listen we will get disciplined. That's why you have to be a good wife. You've played with a dollhouse before right? Well think of it as the same thing but it's real life now." Saanvi said looking at you hopeful that you would agree.

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