Chapter 5

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Before Auction
The line inside the theater was surprisingly longer than he expected. People of high class stood there. Commoners would come to just to see how the auction went. They would see what they would miss out and what they were going to have if a maiden wasn't sold.

Commoners with a bit of money could actually buy the maidens that weren't sold off. Some chose not to, thinking it was going to be too much money going down the drain. 

Yuta tightens his suit as he waits in line trying to look formal. While Gojo would loosen his saying it was getting hot with all these people around. "These girls better be worth it, I don't remember these lines taking so long. These men must be desperate." Gojo said rolling his eyes. Last time he was here it took him thirty minutes to get inside.

"That's a good thing no? More people can afford things they want meaning the economy is growing." Yuta says as he moved forward.

"Yuta sometimes that's not a good thing. Now us high class people have to stand with lower class. It's a waste of my time." Gojo pushes his circular sun glasses up.

After a while of waiting they were inside. Gojo signed in relief as he walked in snatching his number from  the person handing them out. While Yuta on the other hand greets the person handing them out. His paddle had the number to 27 plastered on it. That making Gojo 26. Sitting down they sat near the front row due to Gojo being a VIP in the auction. Yuta couldn't figure out if that was a good thing or not. But at least it had gotten them good seats.

Looking around he saw men acting all jittery. They would have their leg bouncing up and down. Their hands tapping on the chair. Some fixing there ties while others loosened  them. "Alright Yuta I'm going to tell you how to do this. If you want the girl you lift up the paddle and yell out your number. If others say a higher number than you lift yours up again saying how much you'll pay. You do it until you can't afford the girl anymore. I'll even help ya out. If I see you interested in a girl I won't lift my paddle up." Gojo said as he pointed at the stage. Yuta nods in agreement. Now all he needed to do was get this over with.

After everyone was settled in they closed most of the windows making the room dark and a spot light shun. Which was just a hole in the ceiling letting sun light in. Asha the woman who worked in the maiden estate came out wearing a bright green dress. Her hair was up in a bun and she wore a huge smile.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, I see we all are excited to see our maidens. Now I'm sure we all know how this work and what the ribbons mean." She said looking around making sure nobody had any questions.

Yuta looks at Gojo ,"ribbons?" He questions.

"Ah yes my fault I forgot. The maidens wear a ribbon around their neck. It indicates how they behave. White means obedient, yellow means frightful and well red means she's a bit violent or she will try to run. Not many of those are seen but I believe Willow was the only one Iv seen with that ribbon." Gojo laughs.

" alright well let's get the auction started! Our first maiden is a kind sweet angle. She has beautiful blond hair and has a very thick accent from the south. I present to you our first Lady!" She said walking to the side letting the girl have all the spot light.

Not even a second and a man raised his paddle yelling 160. Then another one yelled 180, 230, 240, 270, and sold to a man in a blue suite for 300. He smirked as he sat down seeing all the angry people.

The girl looked quite frightened by how fast everything went down. She looked around trying to figure out what to do. Eventually two men escorted her out.

"Well wasn't that fun? Who's ready for the next one?!" Asha yelled bringing the next girl in. She was small, dark skinned and had braided hair. She came in with a straight face not worried about anything. It made sense since she wore a white ribbon.

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