Chapter 3

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You walked inside the building to be met with the beautiful interior. If you had to compare it to something you would compare it to what you imaged heave to be. Everything was white and polished, there was beautiful pictures hung up on the wall. The floors were shiny and smooth. Green plants that where thriving inside giving color to this white palace. The furniture was made by a skilled person as they consisted of designs and bright colors you've never could have imagine of.

"This is nothing like back home," Julia says as she looked at everything. Taking in even the smallest details.

You couldn't disagree, this was better than back home. But it's not something you wanted to call home either.

Following the girls you walked into what seemed to be the living room area. You took a seat on a green couch that was big enough to sit them all and waited patiently with Julia by your side. You saw how she stared at everything amazed. It felt like looking at a little girl in awe.

"Alright ladies I will set the rules for your short stay." Asha said as she brought a chalk board in from who knows where.

She took off her gloves as elegantly as she could and grabbed the chalk from its box. Slowly bring it up to the board.
"All right let's get started. Rule numbers one, you may walk around as you please but refrain from stepping outside of the gates." She said as she pointed outside. You knew well why that rule was set and you had no intent on following it.
"Rule number 2 you must listen to what your told or you'll be banished from this estate." She wrote on the chalk board.

You raise your brow questioning what would happen. Surely nothing too bad since your seen as something very valuable. Though curious was killing you to know what would happen. If you asked such questions would they see you as a threat? Someone they should be weary about? Before you could even decide if you were going to ask you see Julia raise her hand hesitantly.

Asha looked at her as she crossed her arms giving her permission to speak.

"I was wondering what exactly do you mean banished? Like where would we go?" She asks.

Asha sighed closing her eyes, "You'll be part of the community of course."

The room had been silent until the girls began to whisper among each other. They probably thought being part of the community meant being with commoners. Which they weren't entirely wrong but you were sure she meant something far worst. Something told you to believe those story's your mom told you.

You see Julia's eyes light up with hope. You didn't know what you were going to do with such a gullible girl. You jab her in the rib with your elbow to snap her out of it. "Ow" she mumbled as she rubbed the spot.

"Julia dont tell me you actually believe that's something good" you say.

Julia looks down.

"And lastly rule three no one should be up after lights out." She slammed the chalk in the box. "Or I'll be sure you are eaten by the wolves." Grabbing a bell out of her pocket she rang it.

"Tomorrow is going to be a special day girls," Asha said as butlers came running in after her. "We will make you look like you never have before. It will be a day you won't regret." She continued.

Luckily you had no thoughts of staying any longer. You had already decided tonight was the night you would leave.

You guys walked into the dinner room and were met with one of the longest tables you've ever set your eyes on. On this table were dozens of plates of food. Meat, fruit, vegetables, desserts, and things you've never seen. It was a beautiful sight to the eyes. Everyone immediately sat down because of how hungry they were. The trip here certainly wasn't easy.

Dollhouse : Yuta x Reader Where stories live. Discover now