Chapter 1

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Birds chirped with joy as they flew as high up in the sky. The sun beamed brightly down at all the plants. Laughter and chatter could be heard among the commoners as they went on with their daily routine. Working and helping each other out with even the littlest thing. Kids ran around the streets as they chased each other around. People walked and looked up at you who stood by your balcony.

"Good morning y/n! Nice seeing you up bright and early!" The owner of the baker across your house called out as he put a fresh basket of bread out for it to cool down.

"Good morning Mr. Flech, you know I only sleep in when i'm forced to work." You laugh.

Mr. Flech has lived across from you since you where born. He basically watched you grow up and helped take care of you every so often while your mom worked. He would even bring you bake goods but not as much now.

"Y/n! Breakfast is ready!" You hear your mother call out for you.

You run down stairs and see your mom in the kitchen serving eggs on a plate. You walk up to her and kiss her cheek before taking the spoon from her hand away.
"Sit down mom, you work so hard this week. Let me help you out now." You say as you take the plate away from her.

She smiles as she grabs your arm thankful that you are here to help her out. When she sits down you place her plate infront of her and hand her a cup of coffee. Oh how you loved your mother. She was the only person you truly loved and cared for. It hurt you to see her working so much at her age do you tried to help her as often as you could. She has done so much for you, trying her best to raise you right. Things haven't been the same ever since your father had passed away. Especially now that she married a very inconsiderate, blunt man. He was not only horrible to her but also to you and anyone with a heart.

"You ought to be out of your mind you skank." An irritated male voice says.
You turn to your right to see a disgusting old man sitting across your mother. Jkobe had a very unpleasant face to look at especially with that uneven mustache of his. "How dare you serve her first and not the man of this house." He spits out as he slams him hands on the table making your mother flinch.

You roll your eyes as you slide his plate in front of him, not wanting to start anything so early in the morning. When your father had passed your mom knew she had to look for a new husband. A man to provide for you guys and keep you safe. He was one of the sweetest guys when your mother had met him. Then she married him and he showed his true colors. He's lazy, arrogant, sexist, rude, controlling and more.

"Sorry, It must of slipped my mind." You smile at him before turning you attention back to your mother.

"Mom I'll be going out with the girls today. I'll be home in a few hours." You kiss her cheek once again. She grabbed your hand lovingly as you rested it in her shoulder. "Take care" she mouthed as she squeezed your hand tight. You nodded at her assuring that you'll be fine on your own. You take your leave giving one last look at Jkobe. While you walked out of the kitchen you could have sworn you saw that old man smirk.

When you made it to your destination you sat at a round wooden table outside with your fellow friends that you've known since you were young. To your right sat Julia who had long, brunette hair and blue eyes that seemed to radiate a low glow. To your left sat Mia, your friend with short black hair and small features such as nose, mouth and black eyes. They quietly drank there tea before Julia broke the silence with a slime on her face.

"Guess who I bumped into."

"Duke Arrington?" Mia raised her brow.

You girls had such an unbreakable friendship. They were one of the only people who truly understood you, ones that you could trust with all your heart.

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