Chaoter 6

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You popped your head up as you felt him get inside the carriage fully. You still held the knife in your hands waiting for him to do something that didn't please you. Instead you see he has his eyes closed resting in the carriage with you in his lap.

"Master Okkotsu,"

Your head snapped to see a old man sitting In front of you. He wore a suit and tie with a pair of glasses. You didn't know who this man was nor did you care. As long as he didn't get in your way of escaping. What you did know was that all men were creeps, you pulled the coat tighter around you to not let him take a peak at you. He looked at you a bit taken back but brushed it off.

"Hm?" You felt the vibrations from his chest as he humummed.

"Gojo has requested for you to come over and talk. Also you have taxes to file and the guards are asking for a raise." The man said.

Yuta opens his eyes, looking at the ceiling of the carriage.
"I'll get it settled in a bit. Have a seamstress come over later today to take her measurements." Yuta said looking down at you. You pushed the knife up to your face to remind him to not get any silly ideas.
"Actually Haru can you also make a quick stop at a dress shop. Get something that is able to fit her. If it needs tightening I'll just have Someone sew it. I'm afraid I can't leave her with you at the house alone. " Yuta said.

The old man nodded as the carriage stopped. He walked out now leaving the both of you alone. Once he entered the shop the carriage moved. This was probably the only right time to do this. You hopped off Yutas lap standing in front of him.  The windows of the carriage were covered by a blue curtain. Making it so nobody could see in.
You pulled the knife to him making the blade touch his throat.

"Make the carriage stop," you say looking at him with serious look.
Yet he didn't look frighten. Maybe you wernt being taken serious enough. "Pull over or I'll slice your throat!" You yell.

He looked at you sympathetically. He probably knew you didn't have the guts to kill him. Maybe he had the ability to see right past you. You push the knife into him causing his pale skin to bleed red. Still no reaction from the man. He lifted his hand up hitting your inner elbow making you drop the knife on the seat next to him.

"You must be really bold to be doing this with everything out." He said as he rested his head back on the cushioned seat.

Your panicked seeing your plan didn't work out well. If you were to attempt to grab it he would probably kill you. You had to get your only advantage back. Maybe it was time to make a plan B?

You could feel your hands tremble. Your eyes watering.
"Please" you say. He was definitely stronger than you. If you were to throw hands with him he would definitely win. You had to win by catching him off guard. "I'm sorry," you began to sob as you wrapped your hand around him clinging to his neck. You felt as his body tensed up in surprise.
"I'm just so scared, I don't want to be hurt. Nor do I want to hurt you." You cry harder as you reached for the knife

"You're an actress?" He said as he grabbed you by the waist and lifted you up. You gasp as you fingers brush the handle of the weapon just for you to be moved away from it. You groan as you try to reach for it but he you moves away to the door.
You start hitting his back and kicking your legs. "Let go of me" you yell as he opens the door carrying you over his shoulder. All you could see was what was behind you which was a group of people looking at you. You roll your eyes hitting him one more time. Once you were in he dropped you down but held your hands to your back together, almost as if you were getting arrested. Was it such a crime wanting to be free?

The house looked a bit old and could use some more modern adjustments but other than that it was fine. From the looks of it you were in a mansion. Two stair cases in the middle of the room with a balcony over looking. The floors where a nice white stone and the walls where a creamy brown.

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