Chapter 7

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Yuta walked into his dim office that had a big desk set in front of a window. The smell of wood filled the air. Taking a seat behind his desk he sees a stack of papers waiting for him. Sighing heavily he started going through them. He had pushed back on his work for less than two days and he already had a big pile of problems. Most of it would be taxes, royal court duty's, favors and party invitations. But now that he had a wife she would hopefully, at least help with the invitations. That's what wives are supposed to do after all. After skimming through papers for what seemed to be hours Haru came in with a cup of coffee. "Thank you Haru" Yuta says with a tired voice as he lifted the cup to his face. Taking in the smell of pure dark coffee.

The butler gives him a slight nod. "Master Okkotsu the seamstress was here but I sent her away. I told her to come tomorrow due to the fact my lady was already asleep." Haru said standing at the door.

"Ah good thank you, Haru did you also lock all the windows and exits like I told you to?" Yuta asks as he signs his signature with black ink on a paper. His hand moving swiftly due to him doing it over thousands of times. Haru nods as he closes the door so nobody would listen in. Usually the butlers worked during the night and not the day because during the day there was nothing to do or take care of. That was because Yuta would work throughout the day and come back home to stay up at night. His eye bags showing the results of his poor sleeping schedule.

"I see your having difficulties with your Lady. I know it isn't my place but would you like some advice?"
Yuta put his papers down asserting his full attention to him, "of course, I totally forgot you are married Haru."
Haru chuckles knowing his master was very forgetful due to his busy schedule.

"Woman are smarter than you think. when I first got my wife she was very timid. But when we eventually came together she told me about how the female mind works. They may be scared at first but trust they know how to stand there ground. You need to show her you're not a bad person. Do small gestures. They appreciate the smaller ones more than the bigger." Haru said.

Yuta sat there taking everything in. He keeps hearing the same thing over and over. Was he too dumb to understand? Woman are smart, which he found out very early on that his wife thought of herself as an actor. They're scared, which he didn't really see that from you. It looks more like your ready to fight him on sight. And lastly doing small gestures. Gojo had told him to get you flowers randomly. He even recommended the best shops for clothes, soaps, food, and flowers. Maybe getting you to be okay with him would be easy. Yuta thanked Haru for the advice he needed. Hopefully this would be an eye opener for him. Once again he continued to work until he couldn't keep his head up anymore. His eyes dropping down and his head laying in his arms until he fell asleep.

Morning came and Yuta found himself still in his office. Not like he expected to be in bed, he never was.
After going through his morning routine he entered his room to you still asleep. You laid in his bed gripping the blanket tightly over you due to it being a cold morning. You looked calm and innocent like that. It was Something he hadn't see since that night at the maiden estate. You crying in his arm hitting him making him seem like the bad guy. He hoped to change that point of view of him soon. So you could see how kind he was.

Your hair was very messy and in your face. With his hand he moved a few strands of hair and pushed it to the back of your ear. He snapped out of whatever he had going on and walked to the bed side table to pin his medals on his suit. He was getting ready for work even if he had three hours of sleep. That was his normal schedule after all.

He needed to wake you up before he left though. Not wanting to scare you he opened his mouth to call your name but then it hit him. He didn't even know your name. What a terrible person he was for not learning something so basic. It was going to be weird asking for your name now. He couldn't bring himself to ask something like that of you so instead he came up with something else.
Haru came in with a bell ringing it for you to wake up. And when you did he brought you breakfast in bed. Yuta had asked him to bring you fruit, eggs and sausage with a piece of bread on the side. It was his preferred breakfast after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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