Chapter 1, The meeting.

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{Sorry if there are any spelling errors in the story or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language!!!}

General pov:

Today you woke up in your bed, exhausted from the last mission. You checked your phone to see that you're running late for another mission!! You jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get a quick shower and get ready ASAP. In your mind:"Oh shoot, I'm late again!". After you got ready you ran out the door without having any breakfast which was a big mistake...

When you arrived at the scene the cursed spirit 'Mahito' was causing chaos again, you wanted to use your cursed power but failed, but then you remembered not having any breakfast so your cursed power was weak. As you tried to find something to eat in your pocket, Mahito tried to touch you from behind to transform you but you jumped right on time and he missed. You found a granola bar in your pocket and chomped it away like it was nobody's business. You can finally use your cursed power again and this time you weren't playing. Mahito said:"Awww bummer, i wanted to transform you!" You said back:"That's too bad, now i'll exercise you like it's nobody's business!". Mahito said:"I'd like to see you try sourcerer." And you said:" Bet.".

Just when you were about to attack Mahito, Gojo, Itadori and Megumi arrived at the scene. You yelled:"GUYS WHAT THE FUCK WAS TAKING SO LONG?!". Gojo simply just laughed and said:"Awww, poor Y/n can't handle a special grade cursed spirit on their own.". You just gave him an annoyed look but when you looked back, Mahito was gone... You yelled:"DANG IT, HE ESCAPED!!". You were about to walk away when you heard a giggle... Mahito was right behind you! He grabbed you from behind and was about to transform you when.. Itadori switched with Sukuna!! Sukuna started running towards you and Mahito but you managed to kick Mahito which made him fall and take your distance, finding a place to hide from Sukuna, there is no way in hell you can take him on so you hid in an alley.

While Gojo and Megumi were trying to exercise Mahito, you heard footsteps in the alley... You thought it was just a person but oh boy you were wrong... It was Sukuna! Right when you were about to run away, Sukuna grabbed the collar of your uniform, then Sukuna spoke:"Well well, what do we have here? A special grade sourcerer that's trying to hide, how lame.". You tried to push and kick him away but he was physically way stronger than you were. Sukuna spoke again:"I have never seen you before, guess it's our first time we meet and our last time. I'll kill you!".  As he was about to hit you, Itadori switched back and you fell to the ground. 

Itadori asked:"Are you ok?! Did Sukuna hurt you?!". You just shook your head and tried standing up but your legs were numb, you were so scared of Sukuna that your muscles went numb... Itadori put you on his back and started carrying you towards Gojo and Megumi while you just passed out.

To be continued....

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