Chapter 4, Sukuna's little tricks.

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{Sorry It's REALLY late, I've been busy with exams and kinda lost motivation but i collected myself and got the courage the write rn!} 

{English is not my first language try to ignore the spelling and grammar errors/mistakes!}

{WARNING:  Manga spoilers!}

{That week the Shibuya incident also happend and Mahito eventually died/excerised and Yuuji/Sukuna had consumed a total of 15 fingers.}

Y/n POV:

It has been a week since it happend and I still feel sore in some places. I couldn't go on the last mission in Shibuya and was pretty sad to hear that there were a few people that died but i was happy Mahito got excerised. I also heard Itadori/Sukuna consumed 15 fingers, apparently A cursed spirit named Jogo fed 10 of them to Yuuji/Sukuna. 5 more fingers till... I don't want to think about it...

{Time skip to 2 weeks later}

General POV:

You were fully recovered and you were able to do some missions, you haven't seen Itadori in weeks and you started to feel lonely because Itadori would always cure your loneliness.

When you got out of your dorm after weeks you saw Itadori in the hallway, you quietly and sneakily creeped up on him... You were standing right behind him.



You:"PHAHAHA, that was the point!"

Itadori:"I haven't seen you in weeks and you seem well rested."

You:"Hahaha, yeah I'm a 100% OK now!"

Itadori:"We have lots of catching up to do and I'll tell you everything that happend at Shibuya!"

You:"Should we grab some coffee at a local café, my treat!"


You and Itadori went to a local café and chatted for hours till the café owner said they were closing for today. You guys were walking on the empty street still chatting and catching up.

You suddenly heard Sukuna's voice...


You didn't know what it meant and saw Itadori was switching with Sukuna. You thought to yourself:

You in your mind:"Uh oh- I should make a run for it. I'm not talking to that fucker-"

Just when you were about to run you felt a firm grip on your shoulder, you turned around to see it was Sukuna. You stared at him in annoyance.

Sukuna:"My my Y/n,  I haven't seen you in so long and this is the welcome i get? What's with the annoyed face?" He slightly smirked.

You:"I don't feel like it today, go away already." Still looking at him annoyed.

Sukuna:"You're mad at me? Oh my i've never seen and upset Y/n before."

You:"Just leave me alone Sukuna..."

Sukuna wrapped his arms around your waist, he knew this was your weak spot.

Sukuna:"Now c'mon Y/n, what are you so mad about?" He said while smirking.

You became all flustered, there were butterflies in your stomach but you tried to stay calm and keep ignoring him.

Sukuna:"Awnser me...Y/n." He said with a scary deep voice.

Shivers went down your spine but you still didn't awnser him.

Sukuna:"Fine then, I guess must use THAT."

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