Chapter 5, Y/n's past.

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{Note: English is not my first language, please excuse any grammar and vocabulary mistakes!}

{Gojo's POV:}
I met Y/n L/n 7 years ago when she was only 11 years old. I know Y/n's full backstory because of her adoptive parents, she herself never talked about her past and every time I would ask her she wouldn't awnser me.
Y/n was born in Osaka, Japan. Y/n's biological parents were unknown and have abandoned her when she was only 2 years old, she lived on the street till she was 4 years old. Durning that time she lived on the street she got beaten up by gangs a lot, she was always bruised and had wounds all over her body. Y/n was already smart even in her toddler years, she learned how to pick-pocket from people and occasionally stole food from local food stalls, she always had a solution for everything if she had a problem. Y/n was found by a rich couple walking down the street, seeing her all beat up and in a rough state they took her to a hospital and let her wounds and bruises get treated. After that they took her to the police station to find her biological parents but there was no information about them and their whereabouts. The couple decided to adopt her as their own and started treating Y/n as their own, they spoiled her to death with the newest toys, expensive clothes and the best education she could get but she never smiled her entire life. Her adoptive parents always thought she was special, they told me that Y/n used to tell them that she would sometimes see 'scary creatures' on the streets or crawling around in buildings, but it never frightened Y/n.
As so, I heard of Y/n and I wanted to meet her to see if it was actually true, so when she was 11 years old, I met her for the first time. She was a quiet and quite shy girl, she rarely talked and didn't even smile. I asked Y/n a lot of questions and asked her to spot those 'scary creatures' also known as curses. She spotted every single one she saw in her range, I was quite surprised.
The most remarkable thing about Y/n was the first time me and her parents saw her smile, the most insane thing of all, she was 13 and excersised her first curse. That victory made Y/n smile and jumped up and down with Joy, I guess I could say she took pleasure in excersing curses. Ever since she started smiling more and more.

Y/n's adoptive parents finally agreed to let her enroll into Jujutsu High when she was 15, she was accepted immediately. After 3 years she met Yuuji and became great friends with him despite the 3 years age difference they got along pretty well.

Y/n is 18 years old now and is still at Jujutsu high willing to learn anything she can and become the strongest Jujutsu Sourcerer ever known in history, pretty big goal for a short girl. Although I'm pretty concerned about her and Sukuna, I heard from Yuuji that Sukuna and Y/n have met each other but that it didn't go as expected and eventually Sukuna was after her but not kill her apparently, very strange but I'll have to keep an eye on her and especially Sukuna.

Ah yes, I sunk away in my thoughts.

{Couple of hours later}
Yuuji came running to me with Y/n in a coma like state but still reacting to touch, as if she was in a deep sleep.
Gojo:"How? What happened?"
Yuuji:"I was walking down the street with Y/n and suddenly we heard the word extension from Sukuna and tried to tell Y/n to run but it was too late and took her into his Domain and she has been reacting very strangely now in this coma like state!"
Gojo:"How do we get her out of there?"
Yuuji:"I don't know, this happened once before with Y/n but she just naturally woke up but with bite marks all over her neck?"
{Y/n's POV:}
I heard yelling and when i opened my eyes I saw Gojo sensei and Yuuji, they looked worried.
Yuuji:"SHE WOKE UP!"
Gojo:"Woah woah, what happened to her?"

My panties were suddenly ripped, skirt ripped and a part of my shirt was just gone.

You:"Ugh... my head..."
You:"Could you guys keep it down, I'm exhausted and my head hurts.."
Yuuji:"Y/n, What's that on your lower abdomen?"
You:"What do you mean?"

I looked down and saw SUKUNA's mark on my lower abdomen.
I screamed.

Gojo:"Wait that looks like Sukuna's mark, Y/N DID YOU-"
You:"Did what?"
You:"Haha- N-No why would you think that.. hehe.."

Suddenly we heard Sukuna talking from Yuuji's cheek.

Sukuna:"Denying it now huh?"
Sukuna:"By the way, like my little surprise on your abdomen?"
Sukuna:"Indeed I did." He chuckled.
You:"I hate you."
Sukuna:"I love you too my little princess."
Sukuna:"Should I call you my slut then?"
Sukuna:"Too bad."

Yuuji slapped his cheek and then looked back at me.
Gojo starred at me trying to hold in his laughter.
They both bursted out laughing.


I slapped them both on the cheek.

You:"Ugh men are all Assholes."
You:"Fuck off."
Gojo:"But why Sukuna?"
You:"I don't understand either tbh, everytime I gaze into those evil red glowing eyes of his, I just melt and my body just gives in."
Gojo:"So you like him?"
You:"WHAT? NO?!" You're blushing like crazy.
Gojo:"Liar, I see it on your face."
You:"I'm not lying."
Gojo and Yuuji together:"Sureeee."
I looked at them annoyed and you were embarrassed as well.
Y/n's thoughts:"Do I really like him?! No that's insane, he's a curse..A hot curse but still!"
Yuuji starts laughing again:"PHAHAHA THIS IS ENTERTAINING-"
You:"Haha- very funny." You said sarcastically.

Sukuna started talking from Yuuji's cheek again.
Sukuna:"Oh I forget to explain what this mark does."
You:"What does it do then?" you said curiously.
Sukuna:"It can track you, read your thoughts and send them to me, know when your turned on, when you're touched by someone else who is not me and when you're touching yourself." He smirks.
You:"WAIT WHAT?!" You yelled.
Sukuna:"Have fun, hehehe.." he laughed.

Sukuna's mouth disappeared from Yuuji's cheek.

I wanted to die of embarrassment while Gojo and Yuuji were giggling in the background.

To be continued...

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