Chapter 7, Lost in the Pleasure...

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{!Note: English is not my first language so please excuse the Grammar and vocabulary mistakes!}

Y/n's POV:

I woke up in a warm embrace around my waist, i wiggled myself out of the embrace and saw Itadori sleeping so peacefully. I rememberd last night, Sukuna's soft side... The king of curses has a caring side..? I would've never expected that to be honest, after all he's the 'King of curses' and he's known for being pure evil, cold-hearted, sadistic and very powerful.

I gently shook Itadori awake.




Itadori:"Mhmmmph... Let me sleep" he said in an tired and muffled tone, he covered his head with a pillow.

-You:"No, get up idiot. You're not staying in my bed all day."

-Itadori:"Huh..? Your bed? Oh did Sukuna bring you here?"

-You:"Yeah, he did."

-Itadori:"I see."

-You:"Hey Yuuji i have a question."

-Itadori:"Ask away."

-You:"Is Sukuna nice to you?"

-Itadori:"You're asking a really stupid question right now, what do you think?"

-You:"I see, i take that as a no then."

-Itadori:"Why did you ask?"

-You:"Oh.. No reason, i was just curious haha."

-Itadori:"Sureeee. 'No reason' ." He looked at me not so convinced.

-You:"Anyways, get up, we're going shopping."

-Itadori:"Are you serious, shopping?"

-You:"Yes, i have nothing to wear anymore."


-You:"I'll make some space and those clothes are so last season."

-Itadori:"But with who's money are you going to buy clothes?"

-You:"My parents their money, they gave me my own credit card with no limit."

-Itadori:"Jesus Christ Y/n, you have a serious shopping problem."

-You:"I know, now get ready b*tch, IT'S SHOPPING TIME!"

I went to grab a cute outfit and went to the bathroom to change.

[Something like this:] [With white sneakers]

After i got changed, Itadori went back to his dorm to change so i got out of my dorm and was waiting infront of his dorm

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After i got changed, Itadori went back to his dorm to change so i got out of my dorm and was waiting infront of his dorm.

He finally came out and we took a bus to the city.

Enemies with benefits?! { Sukuna x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now