Chapter 2, Sukuna's Innate Domain...

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{English is not my first language, please excuse the grammar and spelling mistakes!}

Y/n pov:

I woke up in a hospital bed and looked around and saw Itadori sitting on a chair. I said confused:"Where am i and what happend?". Itadori looked shocked and said:"Sukuna apparently chased you while you hid in an alley, he wanted to kill you but i managed to switch back. Eventually you passed out and you've been sleeping for 3 days.". I yelled:"I SLEPT FOR 3 DAYS?!". I said:"Wait, what happend to Mahito, did he got exercised?". Itadori spoke:"No, he escaped again, what a sly rat.". I said:"Ugh tell me about it, he's so annoying to deal with!". 

Suddenly I heard Sukuna's voice on Itadori's cheek:"I'm suprised you're alive you brat.", i said mockingly:"Too bad you weren't able to kill me <3". Sukuna yelled:"I'll make sure you're-" but Itadori slapped his cheek to make Sukuna shut up, Itadori said:"He's so annoying!". I suddenly burst out laughing, while mockingly immitating Sukuna's voice, Itadori started laughing as well and we were having a blast.

When i got discharged from the hospital, Itadori asked:"Should we have a sleepover, watching movies and eating as much snacks till we can't eat a single crumb?". I just simply yelled in excitement:"YESSSS I LOVE THAT IDEA, you know me so well!".

When me and Itadori arrived at his dorm, itadori asked:"Why do you always look annoyed?". i replied:"Because a lot of things annoy me, especially Mahito and Sukuna annoy the crap out of me, they are such a pain in the ass!". Itadori says:"True true, but they are curses so what do you expect?". I said:"Yeah yeah, could you choose a movie, i'll get some snacks from my dorm and change into my pyjama's ok?", Itadori replied:"Ok! i'll wait for you here! :D"

After i went to my dorm and changed into my pyjama's, i got some snacks and went back to Itadori's dorm. I said:"I'm back!", but i felt an evil/dark presence... I said:"Hello? Itadori, are you pulling a prank on me, if you are then it isn't funny!", suddenly the door shut behind me and i flinched. I heard a familiar voice say:"Hello, Y/n...", I knew with no hesitation it was Sukuna...  I turned around to see Sukuna standing right behind me with an evil smirk on his face, he suddenly grabbed me by my wrist and i thought:"This was it, he's going to kill me!", but suddenly he karate chopped my neck and i passed out...

General POV:

You woke up and saw Sukuna sitting on his throne, you asked:"What is this place..? Am i dead..?". Sukuna replied:"You're not dead dumb brat, this is my innate domain. You're basically in my mind.", you asked:"Why did you take me here and where is Itadori?". Sukuna replied:"That brat is fine and i took you here just for fun.", You said:"Well be prepared to be bored because i'm not entertaining you.". Sukuna just simply smirked and said:"You don't have to entertain me, just seeying you annoyed already entertains me.". You said:"Let me out of your stupid domain, I hate it here, It's so boring.". Sukuna suddenly got off his throne and started walking towards you till he was right infront of you, starring deep into your eyes with a teasing smirk on his face. You just starred at him with a bitchy/annoyed look, there was a moment of intense silence of just starring at eachother. Suddenly the silence was broken by Sukuna:"Stop starring at me with that bitchy attitude, I hate it.", You replied:"Then you stop starring me with that dumb smirk of yours, It's pissing me off!". Sukuna then replied:"Just the reaction i needed, It's hillarious seeying you pissed off.". You suddenly grabbed the flipflops you were wearing and said:"Don't test my patience bitch, i won't hesitate to smack you in the face with this.".

3 hours had gone by and you were still in Sukuna's domain. You were getting really bored, playing with you hair to try to cure you boredom but nothing worked. The frustration and irritation were really starting to show, Sukuna was really enjoying it. You said:"OK I'VE HAD ENOUGH, LET ME OUT OF HERE, THE LONGER I STAY HERE THE MORE I GET IRRITATED BY YOUR PRESENCE!". He suddenly grabbed you by the waist and came close to your face, whispering in your ear:"Why don't we do something fun?". Shivers went down your spine, your face turning bright red, trying to make his hands let go. But it was no use, he is physically way stronger than you. But you saw an opportunity to make him let go of his grip, you suddenly bit his arm as hard as you can, he groaned in pain and lets go of your waist. You looked at Sukuna and burst out laughing. Sukuna in the other hand had a bite mark on his arm because of you, he didn't look pleased... He appeared behind you while you were still dying from laughter so you didn't notice he was there until he suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist again and started biting your neck. You hissed out in pain but didn't stop him, you didn't understand why you're not stopping him but your body just went numb, you just let him leave bite marks all over your neck... (No you didn't do anything nasty yet-)

Suddenly you woke up on Itadori's bed with Itadori sitting on the couch, Itadori then said:"Oh You're awake, you were in a coma like state for a couple of hours." You said:"I had such a strange dream..." You touch your neck and you felt the bite marks were still there, strange...? Itadori asked:"Woah you have bite marks all over your neck, wait... What was your dream about?!". You replied:"I was in Sukuna's domain in my dream...". Itadori replied:"I don't think that was a dream Y/n, you were in a coma like state because...HE ACTUALLY TOOK YOU IN HIS DOMAIN!". You looked at him shocked and said:"It really felt like a dream but not at the same time, i actaully felt pain of him bitting me-". A worried Itadori:"WAIT WHAT?! HE HURT YOU? ARE YOU OKAY?!" You replied:"Yes, I'm fine." suddenly at the thought of Sukuna biting you gave you butterflies in your stomach, you turned as red as a tomato. You said:"YUP, I'm fine, totally fine hahaha-".

To be continued...

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