Chapter 6, Escape...

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!Note: English is not my first language, excuse the Grammar and vocabulary!
[TW: Slight mention/Mention of R@PE/Assault, if you're sensitive to this topic please skip this chapter or skip the part!]

Y/n POV:
I got lectured by Gojo, I wasn't allowed to leave campus for a week or go on missions. I had to stay in my dorm and he would bring me food whenever I said I was hungry. It really sucks that I can't get off campus, I wasn't allowed to come near Itadori for a while, I got bored. You know what, fuck it. I'm not staying in my dorm anymore, my dorm was on the 1st floor so I climbed out the window quietly trying to not make any sound. Of course I was smart enough to put a pillow under my blanket before I snuck out so it looked like I was sleeping. It was dark and couldn't see a thing, I turned on the flashlight on my phone and sneaked off campus. I was walking through the forest nearby campus when I heard talking, it was a voice. It took a minute to determine who it was, Jogo a Special grade curse. What is he doing here? I was in my pj's, ofcourse I was wearing shoes, obvi 🙄

[Something like this:]

I was quietly following Jogo's voice to see where it's coming from, that's when I saw him with some other special grade curse but I didn't  know it's name, I hid behind a tree to try to listen what they were talking about

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I was quietly following Jogo's voice to see where it's coming from, that's when I saw him with some other special grade curse but I didn't  know it's name, I hid behind a tree to try to listen what they were talking about.
Jogo:"These pesky human sorcerers keep on ruining our plan!"
???:"Jogo, Stay calm. There's no need to rush."
Jogo:"Geto, I'm serious. These pesky sorcerers always get in our way. We are nearby their campus let's attack right now!"

Y/n's mind:
"So his name is Geto, hmmmm, wait attack the school?! I have to stop them!"
I accidentally made a tree branch crack.
Geto:"Did you hear that?"
Jogo:"I did."
Geto:"I'm gonna check out who or what made that noise."
Jogo:"Good idea."

I heard him coming close to the tree I was hiding behind, I began to shake, my heart started pounding like crazy and I had to try and control my breath. I began panicking. Suddenly  someone was standing in front of me... Geto!
Geto:"It seems like we have someone spying on us." He smirks.
Jogo:"I knew it!"

Suddenly Geto grabbed me by my arm and squeezing it really hard and I started to whine in pain.
Geto:"Well well, who do we have here..?"
You:"Let m-me go.. AGH!"
Jogo:"Why were you spying on us, you little pest?!"
You:"I was taking a walk and I heard..agh... v-voices.. so I followed the voices..!"
Geto:"Not very smart of you, isn't it human?"

I was trying to squirm away from Geto's strong grip but an idea popped into my head. I'll just bite him!
I bit his arm hard and sunk my teeth as deep as I could in his skin so it would bleed. Geto groaned in pain, trying to pull away from my teeth but they were way too deep into his skin. He let go of my arm and  I stopped biting him.
I had some blood of his arm in my mouth and on my teeth. The wound was really deep and was bleeding like crazy. I never knew my bite could be that strong.
Geto was groaning in pain.
Geto:"Agh... that bite was strong."
Jogo:"I must say, not bad."
Geto:"She is no ordinary human, she's a sorcerer. A special grade sorcerer."
Geto:"But I sense something more evil from her, it's strange.."
Jogo:"Is she a curse?"
Geto:"No, but I sense an overwhelming evil energy from her, but I don't know why?"
You:"Enough talking. Your not attacking the school. I won't let you!"

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