Chapter 8, The Sacrifice..

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{Note: English is not my first language so if you see any grammar or vocabulary mistakes please ignore them for now haha!}

Y/N's POV:

6 Months has gone by already...
I haven't seen Sukuna in those months, maybe Megumi was right.. maybe he was just toying around with me and grown tired of me... Those thoughts have been lingering in my mind for months. In those months I've become even stronger, maybe it was for the better...
I was just sitting at my desk, reading a book when I suddenly heard a loud bang on my door and then another and another...
I was terrified and my body was shaking, I hesitantly got up and openend the door and I was shocked to see who was at my door.
-Y/n:"What are you doing here?!" I said annoyed.
-Sukuna:"There's no time to explain, let me in now."
-Y/n:"Ugh.. fine, come on in I guess..." I sighed.

I let him in and closed the door behind me. He sat down on my bed and I sat back down on the chair near my desk.
-Y/n:"Straight to the point, what do you want from me?"
-Sukuna:"They're after me, they want to execute Yuuji."
-Y/n:"What... Without notifying me..?"
-Sukuna:"They didn't want you to see me and Yuuji die."

My blood started to boil, I was enraged they would do such a thing.
-Y/n:"So Him/You have consumed all 20 fingers?!"
-Sukuna:"I need your help getting my own body back."
-Y/n:"And why should I help you? I haven't heard from you for 6 months."
-Sukuna:"Because they didn't let me see you but if you help me get my own body back I'll make it up to you."
-Y/n:"Fine, I'll help you I guess.."
- Sukuna:"My body is preserved in a temple nearby."
-Y/n:"You sure know your stuff."
-Sukuna:"I'm 1000+ years old, of course I know my stuff."

Suddenly the door bursts open, It was Gojo and Megumi...

I got up from my chair and kicked the window and the glass shattered everywhere. I grabbed Sukuna's hand and jumped out the window.
-Y/n:"Let's make a run for it!"
-Sukuna:"I'll teleport us to the temple."

He held me by my waist and teleported us to the temple where his body was preserved.
-Y/n:"Woah... It's preserved in a place as beautiful as this?!"
-Sukuna:"Yes it is."

As we walked to the tomb where the body was preserved, the closer I got the more pressure I felt on my body. The terrifying presence sent shivers all over my body, my body was going numb, My legs were shaking to the point I wasn't able to walk anymore. I just collapsed onto the floor passing out.
I only faintly heard some words from Sukuna...
-Sukuna:"Y/n?! Y/n are you ok?"
-Sukuna:"Y/n Wake up!"

About an hour later I woke up in Sukuna's embrace, him hugging my whole body while sitting on his lap.
-Sukuna:"Y/n.. You had me so worried, why did you faint?"
-Y/n:"I don't know... the closer we got to your preserved body, the more pressure I felt on my body to the point my body went numb... The presence was unbearably evil and terrifying..."
-Sukuna:"I'm sorry my princess, I promise I won't hurt you.." as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

As I saw his face and body, it wasn't his vessel body... He was in his real body...
-Y/n:"You look terrifying and hot at the same time."
-Sukuna:"Exactly the look I was going for."
-Y/n:"Agh.. now that I think of it.. my arm hurts.."
-Sukuna:"Sorry my love, I needed your blood to get my body back."
-Y/n:"That's fine."

After Sukuna got A hold on his on own body he was stronger then ever, I always accompanied him and he would go livid if anyone touched me or harmed me, he would kill them off in one blow.
Even after thousands of years, I'm still alive. How? Well I got marked by Sukuna so as I'm his property I live till he dies.
And to all who are curious how sex is with Sukuna with his 4 arms and mouths he can spawn anywhere, let's just say... It feels so damn good I sometimes need to be carried or need a wheelchair..haha... well all jokes aside I've never wanted anything more then to be with the person I love and That's Sukuna, I would accompany him even in the deepest and worst place in hell. He is truly my king, my love..
Sukuna kept his promise of not harming me on purpose, well while having sex he does tend to go wild and would scratch, bite, spank and degrade me but it's fine because I actually kind of love it.
To be honest I actually never thought Sukuna could be soft but he can be so gentle and sweet with me it just melts my heart. It's so adorable to see him worry about me over the smallest things, when he cuddles with me, the small compliments I frequently get and the kisses I can't get enough of. In most people their eyes he's a monster, in my eyes he's perfect.

Well that's the end, and they lived for millenniums and millenniums on forward and lived happily ever after, spreading terror and fear together. 🥹💕 (Ah yes so romantic 😂)

{Note:"Heya! It's me the creator of this story, I'm sorry it's such a short story and I wanted to make it longer but I tend to lose motivation real quickly, making up new scenarios and stories! So you haven't heard the last of me! This will not be my only work, no no no! I've been writing a new story in my notebook! I'll give you a little teaser: It's associated with Sukuna again but it would be a totally different story and is not connected to this story whatsoever! What I do want to mention is that there will be way more chapters then this story, this was my first story after all and I sure do need some better grammar and practice when it comes to writing and story telling but I'm saying I did my best! :D I personally think I did a good job which sounds very arrogant but I gave this story a lot of effort and time! 🥹 I wanna thank all of the people that read my story, even reading it already makes me so happy! 😊 But before I write another story, I deserve a much needed hiatus/vacation. I will probably be back around august or after summer break! 😎👌 I hope you all have an amazing summer break or whatever day it is when you're reading this!  😊 Goodbye for now my loves 😊💕"}
~Creator 💕

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