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Fast forward to your Fifth Year. This year you have been busy with classes and assignments, on top of the study you must do as you have the OWL exam at the end of the year.

However, Draco also starts to become more and more distant from you since the start of the year. He rarely can be seen in the common room even though he has no class at that time. So when one day you saw him heading out from his dormitory, you quickly went to catch up to him cheerfully. 

“Draco, hi! Where're you going?”
“Hi, YN. I'm going... somewhere.”
“Do you mind if I tag along?”
“I prefer if you don't.”
“Why're you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong—”
“It's nothing.”

He's so quick to dismiss you, so you stop on your track. When he realises you're not following him anymore, he looks back and approaches you.

“I'm sorry YN. I'm a bit busy. I promise I'll see you after I'm done, okay?”

You go back to the common room and wait for him there until late at night, but he's not coming.

The next day, still feeling groggy from lack of sleep, you go to Great Hall to have some breakfast and sit besides your usual friends.

“Why do you look so sleepy? What did you do last night?”, Amie asks you.
“Did you do something spicy with your Dray-Dray?”, Bella says teasingly.
“Morning girls. Why did your first thought is me doing spicy things? Why not think I stay up finishing Umbridge's stupid assignments?”, you yawn.
“Because you always did your assignments flawlessly.”
“And you're the only one who currently has a bf.”

Suddenly Pansy and her minions come and interrupt your conversation. Behind her, you can see Draco enter the Great Hall looking sleepy just like you, but he just passes your table and heads toward the far opposite. 

“Are you sure he's still your bf? Doesn't seem like it to me.” Pansy snickers.
“What do you mean, huh?”, Amie replies.
Bella rolls her eyes and says, “You're just jealous, Pansy”. 
“I'm not. She's the one who should be. Draco might as well f*ck other girl behind her back.”
“Go away, b*tch!” Amie shoos her.
“Whatever. But I can assure you their relationship is gone. Ask YN if you don't believe me.“

She walks away from the scene, while your friends turn to look at you, seeking the truth. 

Bella looks at you and says, ”You're quiet, YN. I’m sure she’s just bluffing”
“I-I'm not sure. At this rate I'm afraid what she said is true.”

Then you proceed to tell them the whole truth, that you both drift apart, what happened yesterday and that you're not sure where your current status is.

Weeks later when you walk after class, you see Draco sneakily going somewhere. His suspicious behaviour made you feel curious, so you went after him.

The Room of Requirement — that's where Draco's heading. As you follow him into the room before the door is closed, you can see he's facing a cabinet. An old cabinet at that. From your hiding place, you can see him mending the cabinet, casting some spell, and looking frustrated. 

At that time you're lost about what he's doing with the cabinet, unaware about the impact of the cabinet and what's going to happen to Hogwarts in the future.

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