Part 8

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Scarlett's POV

I hadn't meant to start crying; I had intended to stay strong in front of Sawyer, yet the look on her face when asking why she wasn't enough had me break down. 

Only to start crying more when it was my baby who comforted me as I cried. How can she comfort me right now? After everything she has gone through because of my own stupidity, she is comforting me, I just don't get it. 

Looks like we're both having breakdowns today. 

We had been sitting there silently; only quiet sniffles could be heard, hugging for the last ten minutes when she spoke up again, leaning away from my chest to that she could see my face, her little hands reaching to wipe the tears off my face with such care that I almost burst into another round of sobs. 

"Don't cry, Scarlett," she whispered. The cuteness was too much, and I just brought her into a bigger hug to hide the fact that I was about to start crying all over again. This time over, just how cute she is. 

Finally, we broke apart when I heard her muffled groan. I looked her up and down, trying to see any apparent reason she would be in pain, terrified that I was causing her physical pain on top of everything else she had already endured. "What hurts?" I asked frantically. 

I watched with confusion as she smiled; why would she be happy she was in pain? "Nothing, I just knocked my foot when we were hugging," she shrugged, her smile still sitting on her lips. God, she has a perfect smile. I realised while she spoke why she had been smiling, I bet no one has asked her if she was ok in a while, and that had me wanting to cry all over again. Had anyone ever asked if she was ok? No, I can't go there; if I do, I really will be sobbing all evening. "Ok, well, if it starts to really hurt, let me know, and I'll give you some more medicine. Should we watch a movie?" I ask.

Her face lit up at the idea of a movie, and I watched as she bounced up and down in her seat next to me; that's more like it. Clapping her hands, she started to chant "WALL-E" over and over, a child after my own heart. For just a second, I watched her, a life the two of us could have had together flashing before my eyes as she looked like a normal child. But then it comes crashing back to reality.

Laughing at her as she wriggled in excitement, I went to get up to grab the remote when I felt a hand grab my wrist; turning to see her, the smile and jumping had gone, and now she was frowning while looking at me with a look I could only describe as terror. How can her mood change so quickly? It's remarkable. 

"What's the matter, princess?" I ask as her frown deepens. "Where going?" she asked with the cutest pout on her face making me smile, realising she was only sad because she thought I was going to leave. I pointed to the kitchen counter where the remote was sitting before responding softly, "I am just going to grab the remote and some snacks; I will be two seconds, then we can cuddle and watch WALLI-E" She smiled at that and released my arm.

Settling next to her on the sofa, I turned the tv on and started the movie. Within five minutes, she had shifted and was now draped over me, snuggled tightly into my chest. It was physically impossible for her to be any closer to me right now, and I am loving it. Within ten minutes, she was fast asleep tiny snores filling the room, each one melting my heart a little. Half an hour later, I realised I had some explaining to do to the cast, so I grabbed my phone, which was luckily right by me, and texted them all.


Come to my trailer in five, be quiet. Sawyer is napping


Tin Man:
On our way

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