Part 22

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Scarlett's POV

Well, this could have all gone better.

Who knew introducing Sawyer to my family could have gone this badly?

Let's recap tonight's events. Dad provoked me, and as a result, I blurted out that Sawyer had been abused verbally, physically and sexually abused, which made dinner very awkward. Despite that, Sawyer was fantastic and even asked to be introduced to everyone. This was going so well until Mom almost said sweetheart, which I caught in time and explained Sawyer's triggers, only for my Dad to be a massive dick and say them regardless, resulting in me spending twenty minutes trying to calm her down.

Then there was a delightful conversation with my family after Hunter took Sawyer out of the room, as my Dad so kindly called me "an irresponsible whore" and how I was "throwing my life away on a good-for-nothing street urchin," which made me start yelling. He can call me what he likes, but saying those things about Sawyer was unacceptable.

I regretted yelling as soon as I did, though, not wanting to scare Sawyer, but when she ran in and attacked Dad, I was shocked. I mean, Sawyer only touches about four people, and here she was beating on a man more than three times her size; after the shock wore off and I saw she was hitting him, I jumped in, trying my best to keep her calm.

When my Dad apologised, I was stunned; I think watching how Sawyer went from being so scared and timid to whiling to fight to protect me physically made him realise the bond we have and that she won't be going anywhere, ever. I was about to comment on his apology when Sawyer started wheezing, making me snap my head at her as she tried her best to talk to me.

That was the scariest moment of my life; flashes of the moment she was born and not crying ran past my eyes as the same horror of looking at my child fighting for air happened yet again in front of me.

I've been on eggshells since the EMTs came; even after the doctor assured me she was ok, I didn't fully believe them.

Now I am sitting on my couch with a sleeping Sawyer draped over me as I look at my family, who all seem stunned by tonight's events.

"So that was a family dinner I don't think we will be forgetting anytime soon," Hunter broke the silence making everyone look at him rather than the sleeping child in my arms. "Really, Hunter? A joke?" Adrian raised an eyebrow at him. "Is she ok, though?" Christain asked, glancing back at Sawyer worriedly. "Yeah, the doctor said she will be fine by the end of the week; she just needs to take it easy, which she isn't going to be happy about. Sawyer had big exploration plans with Hunter this week," I explained, looking down to check Sawyer was still breathing ok. Terrified that if I took my eyes off her too long, she would stop breathing.

"She seems to love you, Hunter; from how you described and how timid she seemed at dinner, she must really trust you," Vanessa said, glancing between the two. "She said she only ever feels safe with Scarlett, and while I'm not the same, I feel familiar. It was adorable until Gerald the squirrel ran past, and she got distracted. You should add the zoo to her list of places to go, Scar; she loved all the animals we came across on our jog," Hunter explained.

Sawyer says cute little things to me about how I make her feel safe from time to time, but hearing that she tells other people I make her feel safe warms my heart because I know that she hasn't felt safe in a very long time and that's all I want for her at the end of the day. For her to feel safe and loved.

"I'd like to apologise again, Scarlett. I have been out of line all evening. I realised that what I did to Sawyer by saying those words just to provoke you was wrong. When she came running into that room and was willing to do anything to try and protect you from me, I realised how awful I had been. I mean, she's nine, and she was willing to fight me physically to try and save you. It's clear she loves you a lot, plus she looks like your clone. I was arrogant earlier for even questioning if she was really yours. I would also like to apologise for the names I called you and her; I let my anger cloud me and spoke harshly. I would love a chance to start again and be a part of her life if you will allow it," Dad spoke softly, looking at Sawyer and me with regret.

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