Part 21

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Sawyer's POV

That man is not very pleasant.

Uncle Hunt never got around to introducing him, as he sent me into a memory spiral before we got to him. Still, he must be Mama and Hunter's Dad by the looks of things. That's right, I've called Scarlett Mama all day today, and she hasn't reacted, so I'm going to guess it's ok for me to call her that and keep doing it until she tells me to stop.

Anyway, tonight has been intense.

I don't know what I did, but the mean man obviously doesn't like me and has made that very clear, which I don't mind because I'm used to it, but what I do mind is that the mean man has upset Scarlett and was mean to her.

Uncle Hunt had tried really hard to keep me calm by playing silly games with me while we ate; it turns out he's awful at thumb wars, which I appreciate. I think he was trying to keep me occupied so I wouldn't notice how uncomfortable it was as Mama explained who I was or how awkward dinner was as everyone remained silent; I appreciate him trying to help me either way, though.

I could hear Mama talking to everyone in the dining room. Still, I couldn't tell what they were saying over the music Uncle Hunt insisted we listen to while he made something he called an ice cream sundae, "hey, tiny? Are you allergic to coconut? Because the fake whipped cream is made of coconut milk" he asked waving the can in front of me.

I just shook my head no before taking the can and squirting some in my mouth. I enjoyed the taste before smiling at Hunter, who laughed before he took the can and copied me. "You know what, tiny? I think this one tastes better than the normal one," he teases before going back to making his masterpiece in his words.

The last time Mama bought me ice cream, I didn't get to eat it because, well, because I split my head open on a table. So I'm excited to have some now.

However, my excitement is short-lived as I hear the mean man yelling from the other room. "She's a no good damaged child from who knows where! You didn't even check she was yours! She's a waste of space; what sort of child has a meltdown just from words?!" His voice was loud and sounded mean, just like fake Dad's used to sound before he hit Mommy.

Is this man going to hit Mama?

While Hunter was busy cutting up some brownie things he said were a must for a sundae, I made a run, or in my case, a hobble, for the dining room.

As soon as I went in, I wanted to freeze. The mean man was right in front of Mama, looking at her meanly as he whispered harsh words I couldn't fully hear. Although that want to freeze was forgotten as I saw the silent tears running down Mama's face.

That's it, I couldn't protect Mommy, but I will protect Mama.

"Stay away from my Mama. I won't let you hurt her!" I yelled, going to hit him again, but a soft hand grabbed my wrist before I had a chance. This time I really did run, right into the mean man's side, making us both fall before I went to hit him.

I was pulled off the mean man and into a familiar embrace as Mama started to rock us both "he isn't going to hurt me, princess, or you. He's just upset that Mama kept you a secret; he didn't mean to shout and startle you. He's not mad at you, baby, just Mama. You are safe. I am safe. Everyone is safe. I know you think he's like your fake daddy and that I'm going to get hurt like your last Mummy, but I'm fine. You are fine. We are all fine. Take deep breaths, baby. You need to calm down before you have a memory attack again. I'm very proud of you for trying to protect Mama, and we are all safe now. You're ok; I'm ok; we are all ok," she cooed at me as she rocked us, knowing I was on the brink of a memory attack.

"He did hurt you, Mama; he made you cry. I'll make him cry," I growled out, glaring over at the mean man who was still on the floor stunned; unlike what Mama thought, I wasn't shaking in fear like usual; I was shaking with a burning fury that someone had tried to hurt my Mama. I have had enough of mean men trying to harm me and my Mummies.

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