Part 10

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Scarlett's POV

Holy shit, she's a certified genius.

I knew it was a little weird when she pulled out To Kill a Mockingbird to read, but I just shrugged it off; I mean, sure, it's not the typical book for a nine-year-old, but she isn't a typical nine-year-old, so I just shrugged it off. I figured she only had limited access to books over the years, and this is one of the few she had managed to read. Given everything she has been through, I expected her to have missed a lot of classes and be behind slightly. Not this.

Talking to her, I figured she must be reasonably bright. I was not expecting her to be this bright, though. It all makes more sense now that I know she is an actual genius, though. I finished up with Jonna, who was the science guy, before walking back towards the chairs so that I could place Sawyer down on the one which has my name on it, ready for when I left to start filming.

I was about to explain what would happen while filming when Robert and Lizzie came over.

"Who's been drawing on the set lab board? It looks more sciencey than normal?" Robert asked as he reached us, I looked down at Sawyer to see if she would answer, but she just stared at Robert, eyeing him up as she did so often when looking at people she doesn't know. Realising Sawyer wasn't going to reply to him, I looked back up at Robert with a smile. "Sawyer did. According to her, and I quote, whatever was written on there before was not real science. It was totally made-up nonsense, so Jonna had her fix it," I explain. Lizzie and Robert looked at me puzzled, so I continued, "Apparently, Sawyer is a genius, with an IQ over a hundred and seventy. She's already finished school and everything," I explain.

They just looked more puzzled until Robert got a cocky smirk on his face.

Turning back to Swayer, he started, "Hey, brainbox?" she just looked up at him like he was dumb, which, to be fair, compared to him, he technically is. "What's fifty-three thousand and ninety-eight multiplied by six thousand, seven hundred and twenty?" He asked her, a stupid smirk on his face as she just looked unamused, and for a minute, I thought she would continue ignoring him. That was until her lips turned up into a small smile before answering. "That's easy, three hundred and fifty-six million, eight hundred and eighteen thousand, five hundred and sixty; I'll give you a minute to check it on your phone's calculator," she stated, bored.

My jaw dropped.

She hadn't hesitated when answering before spitting out the numbers; Robert looked down at his phone and then back to Swayer, seemingly unable to believe what she had just said. "What's the square root of that number?" He asked, still smiling smugly, thinking he had her beat. "Eighteen thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine, point six four one zero five nine one seven two five, I could go on, but your calculator will cut off after there," was her almost immediate reply. Robert's jaw might as well have been on the floor at this point, causing Sawyer to giggle quietly into my chest, which was adorable.

"Jeez, Scar, you birthed a genius. Are you sure Scarlett is really your Mama's brainbox? The smarts must have skipped her," Lizzie teased, making Sawyer laugh a little more as I rolled my eyes. "Back off, my baby is a genius, and she is all me; I mean, have you looked at her? She is my clone!" I stated proudly, pulling Sawyer closer to my chest protectively. Lizzie laughed as I brushed my fingers through Sawyers's hair, I had noticed it calmed her over the last few days, so I did it as often as possible. Plus, touching each other calmed us both; touching her reminded me she was really back with me and was safe now, and I think it had the same effect on her.

The sweet sounds of my baby's giggles brought me back to reality.

"Scarlett, Roberts broke, look" I turned to see Robert still looking dazed by Swayer's math skills, which is understandable since it turns out she is pretty much a walking talking computer. He finally broke his daze when Evans came over, clapping his shoulder. "What's up with Robert? He's so quiet. Who broke him?" he asked. "Sawyer did, Chris; she was his human calculator, and her incredible brain seemed to overwhelm him," Lizzie explained, laughing as Robert continued to eye Sawyer up, who was still giggling slightly.

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