Part 44

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Scarlett's POV

The minute we landed, I had us off the plane. I was more concerned with getting today over and done than keeping Sawyer out of crowds. Mark, my assistant, had sorted out everything for when we landed, including security, who met us as soon as we left the bridge. We managed to get through the airport fairly quickly before we were ushered towards the car, where Caroline was waiting. 

"Ah, Scarlett, it's great to see you in person. I'm sorry, but these are the conditions we have to meet under. I figured since time is of the essence, we shouldn't waste any, and we can use the hour's drive to get on the same page before we start strategising." She introduced herself, making me smile and adjust my hold on Sawyer as I shook her hand. 

Caroline had come highly recommended by my regular lawyer and works for their English offices, and while we have had many phone meetings, this is our first time meeting in person. "It's lovely to meet you too, Caroline," I say before nodding to the car, not wanting the paparazzi to know I'm in England.

"Caroline, this is Sawyer", I introduce once we are in the minivan; Sawyer is next to me while Caroline sits opposite us. "Hi, Miss Sawyer, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure Cooper never sees the outside world again," she says with a soft smile while Sawyer just nods, not entirely making eye contact; I think she's still out of it from her memory attack earlier. It was the most prolonged attack she had, lasting several hours and scared the living shit out of me.

"Miss Caroline?" Sawyer said softly after eyeing the lawyer up for a while, making both of us look at her as she pulled those notebooks out of her bag, hugging them to her chest before taking a deep breath. 

"These will help with the case. They are detailed logs of my whole life, from fake Daddy's abuse to Mommy to everything Cooper did to me, physically, mentally and sexually. I didn't leave anything out at all this time. Some of the things in there I have never even said aloud. I have explained the scars I still have with their stories, and I understand if you need to take photos for the trail. I also wrote about the psychological trauma he caused that I'm still trying to deal with, too." She says with a straight face before holding the books out for Caroline to take.

We just sat in silence as Caroline read; she occasionally looked up to Sawyer with a sorrowful glint in her eyes, which Sawyer would just shrug off. After thirty minutes, Caroline bookmarked her page and set down the notebook she had been reading. 

"Sawyer, I want you to know that I believe everything you have said and written, but you have to be prepared for the opposing council's questions, so I need you to answer some tough questions for me", she spoke gently, making Sawyer nod. 

"How do we know what you wrote is the truth? Some of these things happened five years ago now?" She asked softly, making my blood boil. What is she trying to imply, that my daughter is a liar? I could feel myself getting worked up, which is not ideal because if this upsets me, how am I going to get through the things said in the courtroom? Sawyer must have sensed my uneasiness because she leaned into me from her seat next to me before answering.

"I have an eidetic memory. That's a lie. I actually have Hyperthymesia," Sawyer answered with a sad smile. "Do you know what that is?" She asked Caroline, who shook her head no while she grabbed her blanket out of her bag before passing it to me, making me look at her confused. "you are about to be sad. I hate it when you're sad, so I am giving you my blanket to cheer you in advance," she explained with a small smile before turning back to Caroline.

"I have perfect recall of every day in my life", she explains, making me freeze. "Ask me a date from my lifetime," she asks Caroline, still not looking at me. Caroline looks at me with pity before putting a sad smile on her face and turning to Sawyer. 

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