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'What's the point, anyways..?' You thought to yourself.

There wasn't a point in leaving this hotel. There was no way you'd win this stupid horse race anyways. You already basically abandoned Johnny and Gyro. 

Would they really care if you vanished though? Probably not. They probably had other plans. Like winning. Like you did when you left them.

'I really am selfish, aren't I? I'm sorry for failing you, old man.' You started to close your eyes as you continued to be absorbed. However, a soft thud made you open your eyes again, seeing your grandfather's hat laying on the floor.


"Listen, Y/N." Jean L/N glanced doen at the small child playing with a random blade of grass, the child soon stopping to look at him.

"..There will be a day when you feel like a piece of shit, okay? So, listen wisely, because I'm not giving you this pep talk again."

You immediately turned, beaming at your grandfather. "Okay, grandpa!" You responded, kicking your legs back and forth as you listened.

"..You must always find that passionate fire that resides within you, got it? There will be a time when you want to give up. When you feel like you've failed. Don't think about those mistakes, because you will fix them. You won't back down. That's what a true L/N does."

"Mmkay." You boredly waved around the blade of grass in your hand, pretending like it was a sword. You didn't really think much of his words. Your grandfather paused, before sighing.

'What am I going to do with you, Y/N?'


'Oh..I was so bummed about myself that I forgot about his words..what a wise old geezer. I should listen to him more often.' You thought.

'You can't listen to him more often if you don't do anything. Let's not forget you're currently being absorbed into a wall.' 

You blanked at that. How were you supposed to get out of the spot you were in? Staring at your grandfather's hat, you gritted your teeth.

'Screw it..who needs a plan? I'll just improvise using the passion deep down in my heart! Just like you said, Grandpa. I promise..no matter what, I'll make you proud!' 

Your heart began to pound faster.

'Why am I thinking this though. It doesn't hurt to be aborbed..It's..relaxing actually.'

You paused. 'No, wait..why am I feeling so relaxed?'

You thought back to the guy you failed to save. He did call for help, but he was then suddenly relaxed..

Something was causing him to stop panicking, and to accept defeat.

However, you weren't going to let that happen, not with the passion that was burning brightly in your heart. Not today! Not ever! You were never going to give up!

A rope seemed to snap in your head, as there was a huge gust of wind followed by a smashing sound. You feel to the floor, quickly putting the hat back on.

What shocked you was that the door you couldn't open prior was now, oddly enough, on the floor, as if something had knocked it down.


Things were about to get cool. It was time to cue the badass music.


"Oh~ Victor, my beloved..will you love me forever and ever?" Caroline cooed out lovingly to her lover.

The night man began to leave a trail of kisses up her arm. "Until the day we die together, darling." He was about to leave a kiss on her lips, when Caroline suddenly let out a scream, followed by a crashing sound.

"Caroline, oh my sweetheart! Are you alright?!" Victor exclaimed.

"Someone..someone has broken free of my grasp! It..it was the chandelier!" Caroline cried out.

"Impossible.." Victor muttered to himself. He had made sure all of the inhabitants were too relaxed to fight back. How had someone broken free of his control?

"It's alright, Caroline. We'll find this Chandelier, and we'll subdue them just long enough for them to subm-"

"I'm not your chandelier, fuckhead."

Both heads turned, and Caroline let out a gasp of horror.

You began to softly chuckle, before eventually bursting out in laughter. "So, you two are the idiots that decided to mess with Y/N L/N, eh? Man, you two are sappy as shit. Makes me want to throw up because that sappy crap you're pulling makes me want to bang my head against a wall."

"You..how did you get out?" Victor challenged.

"I thought about it."

Caroline gritted her teeth. "Gah..I've had it with you! Hotel California!" She then shouted, as the walls suddenly began closing in at an alarming rate. 'Ha! Stupid little Chandelier! You're destined to become furniture--' Her thoughts were cut off as a bullet pierced through her chest.

You raised your gun up to your lips, blowing on the smoke, before smirking.


"CAROLINE!" Victor shouted, before glaring at you. "That's it. My beloved may have wanted you as furniture, but I don't give a damn..Love Shack!" A hazy pink humanoid figure emerged, before immediately lunging itself at you, giving you no time to react as it infected your body.

"Love Shack's going to relax every part of your body..to the point where you will be unable to think. I usually don't infect people with it's full amount of toxins, but you're a special case. You're not going to become a chandelier! You're going to only watch as I shoot you 20 times! For Caroline!"

"Oh, Victor, you're such a hero.." Caroline breathed out, clutching her chest. You were in a shocked daze, as Victor smirked, snatching your own gun from you and pointing it at your chest..

"Now, I'll be the glorious knight in shining honor and save you from this monster, my love!" He declared, before firing the gun.

He then turned, looking at Caroline. "What shall we do with their body? We'll have to clean up the blood--" He saw Caroline's expression contort to fear, and slowly turned, only for his heart to drop.

The bullets that had been fired were now laying on the ground, each one gracefully sliced in perfect halves. 

"Love conquers all is a shitty statement in your case.."

You were standing there, and in front of you was a golden humanoid figure, wearing a helmet. Its arms were two swords which gleamed in the hotel light. 

"..You're gonna have to Dream On if you think you're winning this fight."

You then turned away as the figure sliced through the ceiling. "Oh! Right. While you two were monologuing Romeo and Juliet style, I made a few touches of my own to your hotel. Enjoy your stay."

You then left the hotel, as the lovers stared in shock, unable to react in time as the hotel came crashing down. You didn't spare one glance behind you as you walked over to Penny Lane, who.was nibbling on some grass. "Sorry about that, man. That service was awful.."

Now, you had another goal in mind.

Find Johnny and Gyro once more, and give them an apology for the behavior you felt guilty about.

But, were they going to forgive you?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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