CHAPTER 3: Angel and Devil

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For the rest of the day, Soobin could hardly focus on anything. Ever since that encounter with a certain senior, his thoughts were all over the place. He doesn't even know what the teacher was lecturing about. His mind was occupied of the ideas of what Yeonjun might do to him. Based on  the impression of him earlier, Soobin could tell he wasn't going to have it easy.

It was finally lunch break. Soobin went out of his class with the others and headed to the cafeteria. Once he had arrived, his eyes wandered around searching for someone he always eat his meal with.

Just then, Soobin felt a pair of arms wrapped around his petite waist.

He panicked but  immediately became calm when he turned around and realized it was Kai, the person he was waiting for. 

"There you are" he mumbled.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, hyung" the blonde replied, his hands rubbing Soobin's belly  happily. The taller didnt mind, it was a cute habit of his friend's after all.

"Let's get going, I'm hungry" Soobin said and dragged HueningKai to a vacant seat.

There were many students gathering around, eating in groups. HueningKai insisted on being the one to go buy their meals while Soobin was waiting at their table.

He looked around a bit as he waited. His eyes accidentally met a sharper pair of eyes, staring right into him.

'Was Yeonjun staring at me this entire time?'  Soobin thought. He lowered his eyes and looked away, pretending he didn't notice, not wanting to cause trouble. To put it simply, he wanted nothing to do with the older at the moment.

His actions just made the situation got worse, though. A few minutes later, An arm draped around Soobin's neck. Kai was still waiting in line, which means...

"What? Is my face that hideous that you didn't even wanna look at me?"

It was non other than the devil senior himself.

"N-No... and can you not be so touchy? People are staring..."

"So what? Let them stare all they want. I should let them know what's mine" Yeonjun chucked into Soobin's ears, making him shiver.

Of course the other students were curious. There was a huge difference in personality between those two. There were opposites, like an angel and a devil. It was the first time they were seen being together, and Yeonjun's clingy behavior made their interaction even more questionable.

"Enough... I don't feel comfortable" Soobin voiced his thoughts.

Thankfully, Yeonjun respected that and backed away, for now. He pulled out his phone and shoved it to the younger's face.

"Give me your phone number" 

It wasn't a request, more like a command.

'Not a really cool way of asking for someone's number but okay...' Soobin thought and received the phone. Once he finished typing in his number, he handed the phone back.

Yeonjun smirked "See you tonight, babe" then he walked away, back to his original seat.

'Did he just say 'Tonight'?? That fast? But I'm not mentally prepared yet!'

As if on cue, Huening showed up a few seconds later. "What's with that guy earlier?"

Seemed like Kai witnessed their interaction too.

"It was nothing, let's eat, I'm hungry"

"He wasn't harming you or anything, right?" The blonde kept asking. "Choi Yeonjun isn't someone you should get involved with. You heard about him"

"I'm really fine, Hyuka. Don't worry" Soobin reassured.

Soobin had to lie. He doesn't want anyone to find out what kind of relationship he has with the university's playboy. Not even his best friend this time.

Yeonjun returned to his seat with a smiley face. He then proceeded to save Soobin's number in his contact as  'Bunny' with a rabbit emoji next to it.

"You're getting another toy to play with?" Asked a deep yet childish voice beside him.

"Maybe" Yeonjun gave a short reply.

"Man, I'm so jealous... you can get your hands on literally anybody you want" The person whined "Then there's me, holding on to dear crush for months and he never even notice me. Just how pathetic is that?"

"You're still crushing on that white haired freak? Come on, Gyu, I thought you've moved on" Yeonjun said.

"W-White haired freak? Did you just call the love of my life 'white haired freak'?!" Beomgyu exclaimed "He's a literal Prince, I'm telling you. A perfection with a handsome face sculpted by the gods, a gifted smart brain and an angelic voice, the one and only Kang Taehyun~" he said with a dreamy voice and hearts in his eyes.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Handsome? All my life, I've never seen him smile, not even once. And angelic voice? The only thing that comes out of that kid's mouth are curses and insults"

Beomgyu gasped dramatically "You did not! That's just because you've never heard him sing! I guarantee you'd fall for him real quick if you heard his vocals— Actually, you can't fall for him cause he's gonna be mine"

Yeonjun looked at his friend with a bored expression. "Kang Taehyun this, Kang Taehyun that... I've lost my appetite just hearing you go on about him all the time. You're such a simp"

"Hehe, I know" Beomgyu wasn't offended at all. In fact, he accepted that he was, indeed, a simp for Kang Taehyun.

"But I don't think he's a good match for you, Gyu." The older voiced his thoughts.

"Why are you against him so much? You barely even know him" Beomgyu snapped.

"Then why do you love him so much? You barely even know him" Yeonjun said back.

"I—" Beomgyu paused, and thought about it. "I don't know... I'm just, really attracted to him. Ever since I heard him sing, I started to find myself thinking about him all the time..." he said in much more calmer tone than before.

Yeonjun felt bad about dragging his friend down instead of encouraging him earlier. "Hey, you know what? If you like him that much, just confess already"

Beomgyu sighed and looked down. "I wish I had the courage to do so. The thing is— there's a rumor going around that anybody that dared to confess to Taehyun always ended up getting rejected, harshly. Some even had to change schools because they couldn't handle the embarrassment that he caused them. I'm scared, hyung. I'm not ready to risk it"

"There's plenty other people. Why did you have to pick the most difficult one to have a crush on" Yeonjun shook his head. 

"It's fine... I made a promise to myself. No matter how hard it is, or how long it'll take, I have to succeed in getting Taehyun's icy heart" Beomgyu declared.

Yeonjun was impressed by his determination. "Good luck with that. But he if hurts you, don't come crying and whining to me later"

"Sometimes, I don't understand why I'm friends with you" Beomgyu laughed. The two dancers continued their lunch peacefully.


To be continued...

Gotta be honest, tho. Who doesn't simp for Taehyun??? 😩♥️

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