Battle Of The Bands (Apollo x Reader x Klavier)

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Battle Of The Bands (Apollo x Reader x Klavier)

A/N: In this, reader works at the WAA with Apollo and Athena!

Your Pov:

I sat in the office, reading through a few files as Apollo and Athena did the same. Mr. Wright was in his private office and Trucy was down at the Wonder Bar. I sighed as my phone started to ring. I looked at the ID and saw 'Purple Fop'.

It was Klavier.

We were pretty good friends, but Apollo and Ema didn't care for him much. I answered the call. "Hello?" Klavier's smooth, mellow voice answered me. "Fraulein, are you busy?" I sighed. "What do you want now, Klavier?" He chuckled. "You know my band, right? Well, we were supposed to compete in a battle of the bands for some publicity, but now that we've lost a few members, we need some stand ins."

I hummed. "What kind of stand ins? Singers, dancers, guitar players?" He replied. "We need a female singer and another guitar player. Can you and Herr Forehead do it?" I glanced at Apollo. "I'll ask him. Hang on." I pulled the phone away from my ear and turned to Apollo. "Apollo, you know how to play guitar, right?" He nodded, confused. "Yeah. A little, why?" I smiled. "We're going to help Klavier with his show."

Apollo jumped. "N-No! No way!" I giggled and brought the phone back to my ear. "When's practice?"


Apollo and I entered the coliseum and headed to the stage. Klavier was setting up with the rest of the band as the stagehands scurried around. We climbed the stairs to the stage and Klavier approached us. "Fraulein, Herr Forehead. Are you ready for tonight?"

We had been rehearsing for months and tonight was the show. I could tell that Apollo was nervous, but he was keeping it together. I smiled. "As ready as we'll ever be. Oh, we should go get ready." Klavier nodded. "You should hurry, the show starts in 45 minutes." I grabbed Apollo and dragged him to the dressing rooms. We went into our respective rooms and started getting ready.

 We went into our respective rooms and started getting ready

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