AA Little Space Caregivers & Littles (Part Two)

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AA Little Space Caregivers & Littles (Part Two)


- 100% caregiver material! But she gets scientific with it!

- Prefers to take you outside to the park to play and loves to go places with you, like the zoo, aquarium, and science center.

- Bought you a (favorite color) pacifier with the forensics symbol on it. It was made with a shiny coating to keep you from losing it.

- Tries to get you to watch documentaries, animal planet, and the like. Most of the time you enjoy it because she's happy.

- Allows playdates with Apollo but not with Klavier unless you bug her enough.

- Not the best lullaby singer, but she will try her hardest for you!

- Even when she goes to Khura'in, she brings you along. She'd never leave you behind, no matter what.


- He's a teddy bear caregiver. He looks mean to everyone else, but he's a total sweetheart to you. Even Taka is nice to you.

- You met him through your job. You were a guard at the prison and he defended you when you slipped during a riot caused by some other prisoners.

- Once he got out of prison, he definitely made up for the lost time.

- Despite not being in public for 7 years, he took you everywhere. The beach, the mall, anywhere you wanted to go.

- Very protective. Watches you like a hawk and won't let anyone say anything bad about you. He'll catch another charge for you without hesitation.

- He's gifted you one sentiment thing. It was a panda wearing a miniature version of his surcoat. Pressing the paw made it say "(Caregiver name for Simon) loves you."

- Lets you have playdates with Apollo since he dislikes him the least. Athena babysits these playdates. She's a good babysitter.


- Athena is another switch! She changes her mind day to day.

- When she's little, you have to make sure she has Widget. If she doesn't have Widget, she'll have a panic attack.

- Little Athena likes cartoons and movies that include robots and space. Rolie Polie Olie, anyone?

- If you're a caregiver, Athena doesn't like to cling. But she will always check to make sure you're still in the room.

- If you're a little, she had Aura make you a pacifier that connects to Widget. If you're nonverbal when you're little, the pacifier will say your thoughts for you.

- Simon and Apollo are the top babysitters in either case. The two don't mind and will always come through.

- Ready to throw hands with anyone who judges or talks bad about you. She's not having any of that.


- I'm leaning towards caregiver here. Kind, yet somewhat strict when it comes to rules.

- In the morning and at night, when you're little, he runs you through your prayers to the Holy Mother. He never lets you skip this unless you're sick.

- You and Rayfa often have playdates since Nahyuta found out she was also a little. He's also her temporary caregiver (platonically).

- You call him 'YuYu' when you're little. He thinks it's very endearing. Rayfa's name for him is Yuta.

- Introduced little space to you after reading about it and it really clicked with you.

- Ema and Apollo are your only trusted babysitters. There are no exceptions. Nahyuta doesn't trust anyone else.

- Everyone in Khura'in loves you, so he doesn't have to worry about any judgment. But in the states, he's not afraid to set someone straight.

A/N: If you want a part three, comment some characters for me to do! Thank you!

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