A Father's Love (Klavier Gavin x Kristoph Gavin's Daughter! Reader)

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A Father's Love (Klavier Gavin x Kristoph Gavin's Daughter! Reader)

Requested by ShadowRifter

A/N: Takes place before and after Kristoph's execution. Reader is 15 in this one!

Your Pov:

I stood in the courtroom at the witness stand, trying to listen as the judge spoke. My father sat in a chair a little ways away, handcuffed. My uncle stood at the prosecutor's bench, but the defense bench was empty. The judge spoke. "And you're sure about this, prosecutor Gavin? Once the arrangements are made, they are almost impossible to undo."

Uncle Klavier nodded. "Ja, your honor. I understand." The judge looked at my father. "And you, Kristoph Gavin. You willingly agree to give all custody of this child to your brother?" My father nodded. "Yes. I do." The judge looked at me. "And you, young lady, I assume you understand why this is happening?"

I nodded. "Yes, your honor." He sighed, a solemn look on his face. "I'm sorry things turned out this way, but the law judges everyone equally, and your father is no exception." I looked down. "I understand." The judge banged his gavel. "Then as of now, all custody rights will transfer to Prosecutor Gavin when Kristoph Gavin is executed. Court adjourned."

I glanced at my father one last time before leaving the courtroom with Uncle Klavier. I was living with him now, so we rode home together. He hadn't said a word since we left the courthouse. Once we were in the house, he sat me down on the sofa.

"Are you alright?"

And at that moment, something in me snapped. My eyes narrowed. "Am I alright? No I am not alright! My father's going to be executed in three days and there's nothing I can do about it!" I felt tears on my face, but I ignored them. "I get that he's a murderer! I get that he's hurt people! But he's still my father! He's...he's the only person I have left."

Suddenly, he hugged me. His hand rubbed my back, but he didn't speak. I buried my face in his shoulder and cried. He didn't move as I clutched his jacket in my hands. Then, after a few minutes, he finally spoke.

"Mausi, listen to me. Even if your father is gone, you'll always have me. And I understand your feelings. Kristoph is my brother and I didn't have any choice but to prosecute him. It hurt me, just like it has hurt you. But we still have each other."

I looked at him. "You're right...Thank you..." He smiled, ruffling my hair. "Don't thank me. It's my job to take care of you."


In the following days, Uncle Klavier tried to take my mind off the impending execution, but I couldn't shake the intrusive thoughts.

And because both the prosecuting attorney and the defending attorney had to be present during the execution, I would have to be there. I dreaded it, but uncle Klavier assured me that I didn't have to watch.

So once the day arrived, I found myself in a visitation room, waiting. I was allowed one last visit with my father before what would happen. Uncle Klavier was waiting with the defense attorney in the audience chamber. I looked up as the door opened.

My father entered, looking as clean and pristine as always. I hugged him, tears pricking my eyes. "Father..." Pulling away from the hug, he smiled at me. "Don't cry, vögelchen. You'll be alright. You have your uncle and you have to take care of Vongole for me." I nodded. "I know. I just...wish things didn't turn out this way..."

He sighed. "I only did what I believed was right. Through one game of poker, my fate was decided. There is no redemption for me." I held back more tears. The door opened and a guard entered the room. "It's time."

I turned to my father. "I love you, father." He kissed my forehead. "I love you too." I was silent as the guard took him away. I headed to the audience chamber and sat next to uncle Klavier. He looked at me. "It's going to be alright." Next to us were two brunettes and a spiky haired man. I recognized Apollo, but not the girl or the man with her.

Everyone fell silent as my father was led onto the platform. As the rope was fitted around his neck, I buried my face in uncle Klavier's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me, holding me close. After a few minutes, he spoke. "You can look now. It's done." I looked over at the now empty platform. The rope swayed slowly.

I looked over as I felt a tap on my shoulder. Apollo stood there. "(Y/n), I'm sorry, but we had to bring him to justice. He...he was a monster." I glared at him. "He was and still is my father. So I don't want to hear your opinions." Apollo frowned. "Don't tell me that I didn't have it right!"

The girl gasped. "Apollo!" Apollo shook his head and continued. "Don't tell me that it wasn't black and white! After all he put us through, don't say it wasn't true!" Uncle Klavier tried to step in. "That's enough-" I cut him off. "No. Let him say it." Apollo's voice raised a bit. "That he was not the monster that we knew...!"

Before I could speak, uncle Klavier cut me off. "Why don't you shut your mouth, Justice? It's not polite to talk ill of the dead you know." Apollo froze, staring like a deer in headlights. I was slightly surprised myself. It wasn't often that uncle Klavier acted like my father when he got serious. So when he did, it was a little scary.

Uncle Klavier put a hand on my shoulder. "Let's go home, mausi." He ushered me out of the room. I just followed silently.


It had been a few weeks since everything had happened. I threw myself into my studies as I tried to ignore my thoughts.

I wanted to be a great defense attorney like my father, but at the same time, I despised the attorney who sent him to his death.

I put down my pencil and laid down on my bed. I grabbed a pillow and opened my nightstand drawer. Inside was a bottle of cologne.

My father's cologne.

I sprayed it onto the pillow and put it away before hugging the pillow to my chest. The familiar scent brought tears to my eyes. But I paused as I heard the door to my room open.

"Mausi, you need to eat. You skipped breakfast this morning and dinner last night."

I looked at uncle Klavier. "I'm not hungry." He sighed and sat on the edge of my bed, clasping his hands together. "Your father wouldn't want you to do this to yourself, you know." I let go of the pillow and hugged uncle Klavier. He hugged me back. "He'd want you to be happy and keep his memory alive in your heart."

I swallowed. "But how can I be happy? How?" He rubbed my back. "I'm here to help you, Mausi. You can always come and talk to me. I promise. And if you just want to think back on your good memories of your father, we can do that too." He pulled away from the hug and looked at me as he said one thing that finally brought a smile to my face.

"You were his vögelchen. And you always will be, even if he's not around anymore."

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