Winning Or Losing (Franziska Von Karma x Reader)

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Winning Or Losing (Franziska Von Karma x Reader)

A/N: Ballet school AU! Higher up characters like Mia, Von Karma, etc, are teachers. Reader, Phoenix, etc, are students.

Your Pov:

I sighed as I entered the empty dance room. I liked to come early so that I could warm up and stretch in peace. I sat my bag in the corner and got to warming up. After 30 minutes, I slipped on my pointe shoes and went over to one of the barres attached to the wall. I looked in the mirror.

In the Von Karma class, black and navy blue were its specified colors. Each class had its own set of colors to distinguish both where they belonged and their difficulty level. Ms. Fey's class wore black and light purple, Ms. Courtney's wore black and turquoise. We all made fun of Mr. Payne because he taught the lowest difficulty class and their color was pure pink, which he had to wear.

I grabbed the barre and started off with some plies. Soon after, Miles and Franziska entered the room. They sat their stuff by mine and also started warming up. Franziska was Mr. Von Karma's daughter, but he never played favorites. Miles was taken in by Von Karma but that's all I knew. Franziska and I were very good friends, but...

I felt something more for her.

I never said anything to her about it and she never seemed to notice, but I was fine with that.

After a while, everyone else arrived and started warming up. We all made conversation and spoke until Mr. Von Karma entered the room. We all stopped what we were doing and stood straight, not saying a word. Then, he spoke.

"As you know, the annual school exposition is arriving soon. You know that if we win, we will be able to showcase our perfection at nationals."

His eyes narrowed. "And I believe you all know what happened last year, correct?"

Everyone winced as they remembered. Last year was a hot mess. We had several dancers fracture their ankles, others forgot parts of their dances, and most got sick.

He huffed. "I see you all remember. Ms. Fey and her sniveling bugs bested us. But they failed at nationals. This year, we will win and prove that we are perfect." He continued. "Now, I will only be assigning 1 solo, 1 duet, and a group number."

Everyone glanced around as the atmosphere thickened. Franziska whispered to me. "I'm sure I'll get the solo. He's seen my improvements." I nodded and Mr. Von Karma spoke.

"The duet will consist of Franziska and (Y/n). The group is Edgeworth, (Y/n), Franziska, and hmm..."

After he picked the group, everyone was quiet as he announced his choice for the solo.

"And our soloist will be...(Y/n)."

Soon after everything was decided, we started running through the pieces. I felt bad for Franziska, but she reassured me that she'd be the soloist at nationals.

I tried to focus as I danced across the floor. The music and Mr. Von Karma's voice echoed in my ears. Sweat beaded on my brow, but I didn't stop.

I couldn't stop.

"Point the toes!"

"Straight legs!"

"Stop sickling that ankle!"

I hit my ending pose and everyone clapped. My legs felt like jello and I was sweating. Mr. Von Karma waved me off and I went to my bag, grabbing my water bottle. I took a few drinks as I watched some of the others rehearse. I turned and spoke to Miles, who was next to me. "I'm so tired. Hopefully we aren't overworked and burned out by the time the exposition comes around."

He nodded. "Yes. The burnout caught up to us before."

The music stopped and Mr. Von Karma spoke. "Franziska, (Y/n), you will stay in for all lunch periods until the exposition. Everything must be perfect." We both nodded.

"Yes, papa."

"Yes, sir."

Class was dismissed shortly after, but Franziska and I stayed behind to run through our piece. Mr. Von Karma had left the room to grab something, so we could dance in peace.

As I turned from one turn, to a pirouette, I tripped and fell, landing hard on the floor.

Right in front of Franziska.

I felt so embarrassed and my face was beet red. Then, she spoke. "Are you alright?" She held her hand out to me. "Here. A dancer has no place sitting on the floor." I took her hand and got up, dusting my clothes off.


She hummed. "It was nothing. But we need to get back to practicing." She switched the music back to the beginning and we started again. This continued until Mr. Von Karma returned. Then the dance became strenuous and exhausting.

"No sickling!"

"Are you a dancer or a flamingo?!"

"Where is the expression?!"

The music came to a stop and Mr. Von Karma huffed. "As of right now, this piece is an utter failure. Neither of you are in sync, your toes are never pointed, and there is no expression! Fix this mess, or I'm cutting it from the exposition." We both looked down.

"Yes, sir."


He left the room and I turned to Franziska. "Don't take what he said to heart, Franziska. You're an amazing dancer. It was my fault." She shook her head. "No. It's just been hard to dance with you because...because..." I tilted my head. "Because...?" She closed her eyes.

"Because I like you!"

The room fell silent. I could only stare at her as I tried to process what she said. Once I did, I smiled.

"I...I like you too!"

She opened her eyes. "You do? I thought... I feel so foolish!" I gently grabbed her hands. "I've liked you for so long..."

We stared at each other. Then slowly, we leaned in, our lips touching and molding together perfectly. After a few seconds we pulled away. I smiled.

"Now, why don't we try that dance again?"

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