Chapter Thirty-Eight

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REMINDER: The next chapter will be the epilogue. :))

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Roye Declan's POV

As soon as Veena told me where Leron was, I did not look back at her anymore and just immediately walked past her to go to our studio's cafeteria. I don't feel like explaining to her what happened inside. Maybe later. If I'm already calmed down,

For now, I need to see Leron. For now, I wanted to be by his side. He's my haven. With him, I can push away this... whatever is aching inside my stupid chest. 

Damn, I'm so tired. I want my baby.

Some of the staff that were present that day kept on greeting me on my way towards the cafeteria. I only respond to them with smiles and nods. 

And as soon as I arrived at the said cafeteria, I could already hear conversations and laughter. Oh? The others are also here? That's surprising, since they mostly do some live in our shared apartments during our free time.

Then they must have known about my parents by now. 

I took a deep breath and immediately made my presence known to them. However, Leron did not notice me immediately, unlike the others, as he looked busy staring down at the cup of coffee in his hand.

I raised one of my eyebrows. I bet that coffee is already cold. I smiled.

But then I can't help but feel happy seeing him like this. It just means that he's thinking of me. That's good. With those guys around him, I'm glad to know that he's not looking at any of them.

Although I know that all of my members are straight, I still can't trust them when it comes to Leron. After all, I was also straight, or so I thought, before I started noticing Leron. 

Leron...why didn't I noticed him sooner than later?

Well, whatever, as long as he's mine now, I can't ask for more. 

I sneak behind Leron as he still does not know about me approaching him slowly from behind. I bite my lower lip, trying to suppress the chuckle, because the more I look at him like this, looking so deep in thoughts and down, I can already imagine him with the downed ears of a puppy with sad puppy eyes.

He looks like a puppy trying to concentrate on something.

Once, I was already facing his back. I crouch down, looking around, shoving the others to silence as I tried to frighten this little one.

I lean in closer to his ear. I am already aware that I will make him jump with this. Given the fact that his ears are so fucking sensitive,

“Hey baby.”

As expected, Leron jumped from his seat, flinching at the same time as he almost lost his balance, but gladly, I caught him on his waist just right on time.

I chuckled as his eyes doubled in size, as he also brighten up a little, once he realized that I was the one holding him. I carefully put him in his seat earlier and sat beside him, still with a wide smile on my face. 

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