makes my heart flutter.

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"Really?" He turned his head away to avoid eye contact,
"Yes, really."
"Well, I must say you are charming yourself darling." He replied
My face felt more red every second he spoke, William quickly turned back at me as I felt his cold hands cupped my face, a sudden passionate kiss came across, William pulled back to glare at me with those silver eyes
"I love you." then devoured me again.
A few seconds later I moved away out of embarrassment.

"I guess you're not just my boss anymore?" I chuckled as he smiled.
"Future husband, I suppose." He whispered to my ear, I continued to blush while forcing a chuckle.
He kissed me one last time then went back to work, placing his hand on my left thigh and the other hand on his computer.

"It's 6pm, I'll get over to Henry to see if he needs any help." I told
"Mhm, don't take too long though." He replied
"I won't, don't worry William." I said walking out the door, I felt William continue to stare at my figure as I walked out.

"Henry!" I surprised him by the door
"Y/N, good to see you." He smiled
I entered the room and he spoke again
"I have a question if you mind." Told, I was unbothered at all so
"Sure, go ahead."
"I saw you and William walking together on the way here, I noticed his black mustang wasn't around too.. mind telling me anything?"
I stood in silent for a while, it would be embarrassing to say I slept with my boss..
"Ah, we just had a business talk in a cafe nearby." I replied shaking
"Don't worry, he talks to me about how much he loves you, I was just playing." He laughed
God that man really did seem head over heels for me though.
"Tell me, do you like him back?" He questioned
"Oh- of course I do.." I replied
"I'm glad to know, he's always been dreaming of true love since the day met at college." I was surprised of that response, I mean sure he was a flirt but true love?
"Is that so?" I asked
"Yes, he'd talk to me every day of this dream relationship of his."

"Do you ever think about getting married, starting a family and all?" William told Henry
"William.. you go through this thing everyday." They both giggled

"It's just.. oh lord the thought of meeting someone who makes my heart flutter."

"I'm sure you could pull any girl with your looks and smarts, Will."

"You think so? Well, I guess I'll just have to find the girl I love."

"There's plenty lovely fellas around here dude, take Daisy as an example, she's an angel."

"Come on, we all know you like her Henry."
Henry blushed
"Was i too obvious?"

"Yes, yes you were."

"Whatever. What is this dream relationship of yours anyways?"

"Someone who'll care for me, I honestly do not care of her looks. All I want is someone who's feelings are true for me! Then I'll hopefully marry the girl of my dream."

"How romantic of you, hope it'll actually happen though you hopeless romantic."

"Please, don't hurt Williams feelings whatsoever. He's totally in love." Henry mumbled as I heard
"I wouldn't do such thing, he's my first and only love." Henry smirked at my response
"Alright alright, anyways, please do get me these blueprints left at the storage I left at the storage room earlier." I nodded and walked out with a smile, it felt nice to have genuine love.

Shift ended, William walked me back home, ate my leftovers and got back to his place with his car he left yesterday.
This was it we were finally in love in a relationship, although I didn't expect to find love on the way with my own boss..

Hopeless Romantic [William x Fem Reader]Where stories live. Discover now