the taste of his tongue.

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it's been a week since we started selling slushies at Freddy's, more customers came which made William and Henry really happy, this restaurant meant a lot for the both of them no matter how silly it may looks.
This week had too much people coming in and at the moment we were understaffed which lead me to serve for a while to help out, Daisy came to help too, very sweet woman.
Sunday I took a break for serving much customers and went to Williams office for a break,

"Lunch break hasn't even started and you're this tired?" He asks as he started to massage my shoulders when I sat to my chair.
"Mhm, I'm glad it's Sunday so we won't have as much people we had at Friday." I sighed
"You're right, while we're at it we haven't taste the slushies at all I realized."
I wasn't a big fan of slushies but this was from my boyfriends restaurant so I couldn't pass on,
"True, let's have some at lunch with Henry and Daisy sounds good?"
"Yup sounds good." He replies

Around our lunch time luckily much people weren't there since we do eat lunch late, Henry held his fiancé's hand walking to the table, oh how romantic.

Me and William arrived and we all sat together having some adult conversation about business.
I zoned out for a while until William patted my shoulder.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" Henry asked
"Yeah, might've zoned out for a bit."
"I see, well we got the slushies here, which one do you want?" William informed
"Uhh, the blueberry one."
He chuckles and went closer to my face, I heard a deep whisper from him.
"Do you perhaps want to taste both?" He flirted.
You could definitely see the blush heating on my cheeks, I just shrugged it off while dying inside.
William excused the both of us and brought me to his office as he carried both slushies.

As soon as we arrived he shuts the door and locks it,
"We're gonna have to be quiet, darling." He smirks and holds my waist, the cold feeling of his hand made me shiver.
He unbuttoned both our shirts halfway just enough to keep me comfortable, then he starts kissing my tongue passionately with his hands still onto my waist as my hands crawled up to his shoulder and rested there.
William paused to glare at me for a bit and talked,
"I've waited so long for this." He caress my hair beautifully.
"If i kiss you right now, I won't be able to stop." He continues to flirt as I nodded indicating consent.
He grinned then absolutely devoured me, kissing me around my neck, face, collar bone leaving a trail of hickeys.
While he kissed my collar bone I couldn't help but moan, it definitely came out more loud than supposed to as he found my good spot.

William adored that sound and I could see an exciting expression on his face, but he knew we were still at work hours and had to keep me quiet as he covers my mouth with one hand.
He fully unbuttoned my shirt, surprised by the black laced bra but yet pleased.

"Oh how stunning you can be, darling." He'd cooed to my ear

I let in a gulp not knowing what he wanted to do next but I badly wanted, actually, needed it.

insert smut bc i can't write it without embarrassing myself💀

"As i said, you better stay quiet." He whispers while letting go, I tried preventing myself from any further noises as he continues to tease me with kisses back then suddenly we heard a knock.

"William, Y/N, shift will end sooner, I'll be leaving earlier due to personal reasons." Henry stated,
"Hello? Is anyone in there?"
"Yeah—" William yelled as his voice was hoarse from all the kissing and sucking,
"Are you sick, Will? Your voice seems off." Henry asked worryingly.
"I'm alright, just preparing stuff with Y/N."
"Okay then, me and Daisy will get going in an hour."
"Yeah, yeah, okay bye." As soon as William heard Henry's footsteps away from the door he'd pushed me against the wall and kissed my lips passionately while his body leaned over mines, his crotch was right against mine as I couldn't help but let out some noises again.

Hopeless Romantic [William x Fem Reader]Where stories live. Discover now