forever in his touch.

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Jumping excitedly, I had an idea to take the night off for myself since William wasn't going to be home anytime sooner.
Honestly, I think I deserve sometime to myself so I went to Williams bedroom as he wasn't around, grabbed some of [your favorite snack!] and watched some of my favorite movies, after finishing the snacks I proceeded to do some skin care.
Sometimes I forget how comfortable this bed was, and it's funny how such furniture can hold many memories.

While binge-watching my favorite series the door opened to where I see Williams red face as I assumed he was drunk again.
While he was gone I might've sort of forgotten this was his house and that he was even around.

"What are you doing on my bed?" William asks glaring around the room not making any eye contact.

"Sorry, you haven't slept in this bed for some days." I replied sarcastically, although it was kind of true he haven't slept in his own bed for the past days.
William sighed threw his bag to the bed.

"You were so distant I forgot you were here at all."
I claimed,

"You were the one who didn't want me to talk to you." William stared at me in the eyes, I only felt angst that very moment.
I snapped out of the eye contact and grabbed my luggages and put them near the couch.

"Wow, hah, you really do know how to make me feel like shit don't you? It's always my fault right? I'm the wrong one." He exclaimed with a dreadful look.

"I saw the way you looked at her, yes I may be overreacting but why would you wanna live with your ex anyways?"

"There is nothing between me and her."
Those words made my heart flutter a bit, it's good to know he doesn't love her but I still couldn't help but not to trust him.

"It's really not that complicated, I'm moving out since we aren't a thing anymore like you said."
"Also did you drink?" I questioned.

"Drinking all my feelings away, darling." He nagged.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, I got a job."

"Congratulations, achieve your dreams and just forget about me."

"No need for self-pity, Afton."

"Before you go to bed, I'll tell you one thing, Y/N."
I looked over at him and raised a brow indicating my curiosity.

"you might not have been my first love but you were the love that made all the other loves irrelevant."
His voice was so serious, he wasn't joking.
I wanted to burst into tears that very moment and give him a hug, he saw tears streaming down my cheeks and instead he was the one who pulled in for a hug.
Patting my hair with one hand and brushing my tears off with another, I missed this feeling of comfort so much.

"Everything will be okay, I'll just never be enough for you."

"...I hate you so much William, why would you think that? You were always enough for me..!" I sniffled, pouring my whole heart onto his.

"There, there, it's okay, don't cry now you have a job tomorrow."

"You're seriously the worst." I joked with a slight chuckle, continuing to cry.

"I know, I know." He pats my back.

"I'll head to bed, if you need anything come in anytime." He assured while sitting me to his sofa.

"Rest well, Y/N."
I didn't want to speak back, I tried so give a smile instead and covered myself up with a blanket where we used to cuddle all the time.
He head to his room, as I saw a tear fell off.

Hopeless Romantic [William x Fem Reader]Where stories live. Discover now