Coming to the senses.

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[ Narrator + Marcy POV ]

Your whole body aches, you feel as you were struck by lighting, which has never happened to you before but you imagined that's how it felt like. Under the layers of pulsating pain, that you've been starting to get used to, you feel a weird surface. It feels like a hard mattress covered by a soft but thin blanked. Oh If only you had the desire and strengh to open your eyes to check your surroundings, but who needs sight when you have other senses as well! You focused on trying to hear anything that would indicate where you are, afterall you had played many horror-games where the basic survival instruments were two clam-like bodies laying under your awesome headset. You begun to hear better with each passing second, kinda like those protagonists who had been hit very hard on their head and then awoke in the most bizzare circumstances.  You heard rythmic beeps and weird buzzes accompained by the strangest rattles imagined. You begun to wonder.

Okay, this is kinda unsettling... I don't think I did anything strange before...before this? Oh shoot! Did I faint?! Did I do something dangerous?? Have I tripped and fell through the biggest and hollowest hole in the Earth?? Wait am I on Earth or in Amphibia?? Oh god what if this whole time I was asleep and this was a dream??? But- I uhh I don't think this is my or Sasha's bed, especially Anne's! Wait those beeps... am I in a hospitall??? What If I was in a coma and I imagined Amphibia?? What If I imagined Sasha and Anne???? What If I'm dead??? Does the afterlife have kinda uncomfortable beds that aren't as uncomfortable as to call them uncomfortable???

The thought of dying and landing in hell where everything is mildly cumbersome but not so much for you to complain aloud, awoke the nerves in your eyelids. Never before have you opened your eyes so quickly, which was the worst course of action you could've taken, because you felt right after like you've got flashbanged. The raw power of that white light made your head hurt, or maybe it hurted before and only now you've realised that. You tried to open your eyes again, but this time far slower.

After asimilating for like a whole minute you begun to see. First - the white celling which had two long tubes of light, you couldn't  determine if they were following a human style of architecture or an amphibian one, it's a good sign despite your accumulating feeling of fear mixed with stress. Next - you saw the walls, they were white as well, you didn't see any mushrooms or mold or dirt or anything like that on them, which indicated this was either a room on Earth or a very sterile Amphibian one, considering you might be in a hospital, that doesn't say much. Then - you begun to investigate weird machines that were connected to eachother with various tubes and cables, you only saw graphs and numbers on them, no human or amphibian alphabet in sight. You closed your eyes for a second.

It feels like the world is purpouselly playing a prank on me. I need to study both types of hospital machines, so next time i do something careless to my body I know when to start panicking. The only thing I remember when I broke my leg in Newtopia was that... there were orange corals everywhere, I read they calm patients down and even help with healing a variety of injuries!

You opened your eyes for a second time, your skull and nerves restricted the movement of your eyeballs and there were no new things you could catch your gaze upon. You tried move your head a little lower than it currently was or even sit. Despite the tearing pain that shoot through your body, your journey was a success. You were now in a sitting possition. Your eyes darted frantically around the room, you only searched for the orange object, and  luckly, there it was.

This is the ugliest lamp I've ever seen.

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