New best friend

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[Marcy POV]

Ever since your little outing to Anne's section of the Tower, you could NOT stop thinking about the suface.

You tried not to, you really did try not to think about this stuff prior to your visit, but the more you thought about not thinkg about it- it only became less possible. When you peeked through that little, miraculously formed creek in the wall, the memories of your great adventures started to flood and rush before your eyes. You had to go back to what you must call now, your Golden Era. It was like an obsession, no matter where you looked and what you saw, you just couldn't stop the flow of the running thoughts, ideas and the scraps of memories of the time when you were venturing into the dangerous wild. Even your body wanted you to go back, because every time a battle retrospection peeked into your head, your body tensed, but not in the negative kind of way. It was more like prepearing your battle stance, a little rush of adrenaline, your mind suddenly quiet, with only projections of the past, your senses alarmed and ready to counter every and any strike.

You want out.


Despite your intense urge, you took Anne's advice to your heart and made your way to the armory. With each step you grew a little more doubtful whenever you really should go out to the surface. On one hand, you were seriously risking your life and the others too I guess. But on the other...

The communal room was almost empty, except for few last people, preparing for battle. They were in such a rush, they didn't even aknowledge your presence. You heard them quickly fade away and the only noise there was, was your own footsteps sliding against the dirty ground  and your uneven breath, as if you were uncertain if you were allowed to even breathe. Without people, you could really focus how beautiful this place is. Your head now pointing to the celling, searching, scanning and sucking up every detail of the place. Before you even got halfway to your destination, you got completely drawn in by the world around you.

It felt magical and unreal. As you were walking, your head was spinning in every direction just so your eyes could have the chance to absorb the beauty of this place. You felt small but safe, despite the spiky, grey and cold walls. Maybe you hated being lonely-
But you loved to be alone.

The glowing crystals and mushrooms on the cave walls, created a beautifull tender yellow luminesent glow, which enfolded the sharp and uneven grayish rocks nearby. They looked a lot like stars, scattered in a midst of an artificially placed, huge amalgam of crystals just in the center of the roof- their Sun. It shone the brightest, emanating the color of a page in an old book- almost forgotten to time.
Your brain took the rails from you and transported you to the armory. As if to encourage you to stop daydreaming and start following in the footsteps of the other residents.
You didn't need to go inside the building, because many weapons were placed inside a big wooden barrel in front of it.

Alas, there weren't many things to choose from, there were some axes, small and big and some chipped swords. But this stuff was too heavy for you to handle. You always used your crossbow for exactly this reason.
Rummaging through the useless weapons and broken off parts of another abandoned tools  you didn't see any ranged weapon here.

Okay so I can either pick something which will be almost impossible for me to use in this state or I can be totally nice.

On the verge of defeat, you made your way into the building, hoping that someone forgot to place some more convenient weapons in the barrel.

The inside of the armory looked a lot less like a typical stand and more like a shop, with variety of more superior in kind and definitelly more expensive weapons. It was as big as Sasha's room, but far more cluttered- swords packed into the corners, some laying recklessly on the floor- probably because they were taken out in a rush. You even saw an empty tripped barrel in the far corner of the shop. There were shelves, several pairs on three walls- except for a couple of different arrows, they were empty. Some had dust on them, contradicting your newfound opinion about this place being popular and stocked-up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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