Your true purpose

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[narrator + Marcy POV]

You stopped at the 3rd floor. For a longer moment, nothing was happening. You didn't hear no buzz, no nothing. After a short while, in a very slow manner, the door had opened.

You greeted an empty room and, despite no one greeting you back, you definitely could feel the presence of it's resisents. You felt it especially with your eyes, because the half of this huge room was cluttered with plushies and toys. The other half, contrairy to it's neighbor, was clean and orderly. You looked back at the buttons in the elevator. The stickers informed you that the Flour and Sundrew familly lived here, as well as Stumpy. You saw on the wall, a person you've never met before, she was a green frog with what seems, were wrinkles. Unfortunately, names of the residents, were not written, because there wasn't any room. You could totally guess, that this room was purposely divided in half, naturally with the messy half belonging to the Flour familly.

On the further side of the divided room, in the left corner, rested a big stone oven, which had marks indicating it's frequent use. Alongside this wall, next to it, lied an oblong worktop with a sink, it was clean and very tidy. On the floor, agains it, leaned boxes with various spices and whatnot. Two onions were seen, invading the other side of the room.

Backtracking to the oven, opposite to it, with a breathing room, on the floor lied a king-sized bed. Big, attention grabing door, divided the bed from a big table, that was located opposite do the wall. It had 4 chairs on the longer sides, and 2 on the shortest one. You were sure the door hid Maddie's room. Why did you think that? The door was purple with a hand-painted black and white, amphibian skull. A crime-scene tape was surrounding it, and above it was a sign saying ,,Don't go in! You could die!"

Continuing alongside the wall, near the table, was located a one person mattress, probably belonging to Stumpy's. It had a quite common design. Next to it was a big chest, probably filled with his stuff. Another unusual door, separated it from a medium-sized, round table, it had a white tablecloth with 3 tea-cups laying on top of it. Next to it, stood a big cabinet filled with many diffrent teas, and very beautifull china. You notced that one of the larger teapots, was painted in a style, resembling one, used for the three cups in Sasha's room. It looked like residents of the Tower, made and gifted eachother many different things. Incredible. But, back to the door, they were painted green with beautifull flowers, which surrounded a scary, gray knight, who had it's cool sword high in the air, just above it's head. You could almost immediately see the difference of the styles of the painted knight and the flowers, cute. Underneath the guy, lied a sign ,,Keep out! You could get ambushed!"

Opposite from the door, on the ground lied an orange two-person bed. You did the math and you established that  Ivy's mother slept here, but it was weird that she shared a bed with some old woman. A big wooden door, almost touched the feet of the bed, looking at them, on your left, you heard loud noises. Bingo! You reached your quest area- now for the hardest challange- confrontation.

You stood there for a second, conflicted whatever to go there or not. On one hand you were far more comfortable in sasha's room, learning cool and usefull stuff, far away from the people who may judge you. On the other hand, you could die in a fire or an earthquake you had no idea about. You picked the first choice, not that you minded the second one, but still, you wanted to hang out a little bit more with your friends, until the ground consumes you.

You pressed on the the handle and opened the door, unsure of what chaos you will be stepping in.

The communal room looked like an inside of a cave, without the crystals...well except for a few of them serving as a light source in the Tower. They lied under the celing and on the walls, shimmering with a pleasant yellow light, illuminating the room just enough for people to not stumble over their feet. In the center of it all, was a training pit. It had a few mannequins and many different weapons, this reminded you of The Colloseum, because surrounding the pit, were chairs for viewers, lying on higher ground level. You have noticed how well-thought out the modeling of this room and its contents were. Under one of the walls, were stands with more weapons, armours and other war accesories. Next to them, stood a gym. Normally you would call it an outdoor gym, but technically it was under ground...underdoor gym? No that sounds bad. Next to it was a makeshift spa, it  mostly consisted of mud puddles and normal puddles. There lied an empty space in beetween of the war zone and the less violent zone. In the spa's vicinity was a stand with posters and some newspapers, reading the sign, you found out this is an information desk, where you could learn what was happening on the surface. You have to go there after your studies. You noticed next to this newsstand, was a diner. It was actually a genius move, not everyone wanted to eat alone in these desperate war times! You tried to focus on the insides of the building. Suprisingly the image you saw, was blurred. Despite the fact that almost all of your hobbies were straining your eyes in some way, you had a perfect eyesight. No need to worry tho, you're probably just tired right? Under all this blurr,  you made out many tables for 2 and even 4 with their tops painted like chessboards, on one of the tables you even saw...pawns.

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