Disorganized escape

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[Narrator + Marcy POV] 

    WHAT?! -you dropped the teacup on the floor. You felt like relating to her.

    Wait Sasha got injured? Anne has blue magical super-powers now?? What secret hideout? I got stabbed?!?! How am I not dead?? Did Andrias managed to open up the portal to Earth??? I WAS IN A COMA?!

 Your brain, now fully warmed up, started to ask your weird doctor thousand questions, but your mouth only managed to ask the safest ones. You felt uneasy in his presence, considering he worked with the King. But asking him if he was on your or Andrias's side, could risk in you losing medical attention, or even worse, him wanting to use your body for science. You partially didn't have a problem with that, you even decided to which university on Earth you would donate it, but the diffrence between your world and this one, would be that on Earth it was guaranteed that they will study your body after your death, and they wouldn't dare to cause it.

The doctor fidgeted in his seat, his eyes darted between the broken cup, your face and the door. Finally he stood up and left the room, having only one foot in it's visinity. He looked around nervously and then he came back to you.

    You know what Marcy, your friends would explain everything far better than me, so I'm allowing you to explore this basement on your own, just uhh don't make any Newts see you or I'll get in trouble haha-his unproffesionalism made you question if he was really a doctor or if he just volountieered to help or to study you. Either way you were happy to see your pals.

You energetically turned to the egde of the bed, you stood up, imieditelly kissing the cold, tiled floor.

    Oh, right haha I forgot to tell you, you're partially disabled. But with the help of my awesome exercises you will walk again very soon...like in a month or two I mean. 

Great. It's a shame he didn't tell me sooner. 

You begun to wonder how in the world, the figure that towered over you, fixed your punctured body. He did mention some other doctor. You hoped whatever that person is, will be far more organised than this dude. The doctor helped you sit down on the bed and gave you two forearm crutches. They were black, and had a pentagonal shape, that  was divided into a triangle and a square by it's handles that had a basic pipey shape. They didn't look comfortabe, but to be honest, you were glad they were somewhat dedicated to humans. He grabbed the bottom of the canes and expanded them to match your hight, which was pretty cool and also demanding of you to stand up on your own. You put both of your hands on the handles, and struggling to catch ballance, you looked at the Newt, who begun to instruct you how to use them. You did break your legs multiple times, but only one at a time and you had better walking canes. You appreciated what he had to say, which is a weird sentence coming towards a doctor.

    When u leave this room go to the right, there's an elevator that will take you to Miss Croaker, she lives on the 2nd floor, but don't worry you have stickers on the buttons indicating where someone lives, you should memorise them. Miss Croaker will give you some comfortable clothes -you instinctivelly looked towards your body, as if you had forgotten it was clothed in a hospital gown, you examined your back, and thankfully, you weren't butt naked. 

    Uh..well thanks for everything I guess, doctor...?

    Doctor Albert Alverda, excuse my lack of manners- he smiled and held out his hand, you shook it. It was slimy and cold.

    When you're free please come back, I will be examining your test results, and when you're back I will give you a nice rehabilitation plan, have fun!-he turned to one of the machines, you supposed was a computer , and begun to shuffle some papers.

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