Tu-thump Tu-thump

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[Sasha POV + Narrator]

You slowly opened your eyes and despite the movement of your eyelids, you didn't see shit. With one of your senses basically useless, the touchy-one made you realise you had a cozy material on your neck and arm. Did you faint or did someone finally kidnapped you and all your loved ones?
    What the- Marcy!- you looked frantically around the room- you stood up- which was good it meant you weren't tied up. You took out your trusty dagger. With your gloveless hand you felt your surroundings- you were behind your awesome diner booth. You ran towards the light switch and hit it with full force, as that would make it somehow scream at you and tell you what the hell happened here.

Nothing was out of place, except for some chairs and that note that was sitting on the table. I wonder who put that here hmmm maybe the kindappers?

Shut up

You lowered your dagger, and went to the table, you grabbed the note.

    Oh- so I just fell asleep... I sure am paranoid- you glanced at your not-so trusty weapon. You looked at the clock- it was almost 6 PM.. A blanket in the diner booth caught your eye. Marcy must've wrapped you in it. You felt your face getting warm. 

You held the note close to your face- as to hide something from the whole world.

Oh god I hope I didn't look stupider than usual.

With the warmth gone- you streached and massaged your temples. What did you have to do today?


You quickly ,,speed-ran" to your war base. Smashing AGAIN the button on the elevator, you rode to the 3rd floor. You heard a buzz- that meant someone was in the Flour&Sundrew room.

    Oh hey Sasha, do you need-

    Not now Ivy! Don't have time!!- with that you ,,speed-ran" again through the door and into your quarters...you don't really know what this phrase means but it feels right to say it- so you decided to keep saying it even if it's wrong. But how could it be? The word literally means running but with more speed and you're literally doing just that, so like how could it be wrong??? You just didn't hear it in Amphibia, no wonder why, but Marcy uses it non-stop, actually it was her that taught you about it...by taught you mean you daydreamed halfway her explanation. Froog you need to listen to her more, you moron.

You arrived at your designated wall, you pushed the crimson red curtains and began to frantically look for Anne. She wasn't here...maybe she just went somewhere for a break and will be back. You decided to stay a bit here and catch your breath.

Your cool war room was bigger than the one you shared with Marcy, it was also more spikey because it was literally just a big hole in a stone wall. If you had to name the shape of this cave it would be a semicircle. The entrance was in the middle of two of your look alike statues with one missing an arm. Unfortunatelly for you The Tower didn't have any stonesmiths, only Loggle who only recently decided to go back to being a blacksmith. On a second thought a metal arm would look badass on you, you have to tell Loggle to fix it.

Next to the armless statue stood a 3D model of Amphibia behind a glass box. It was made more for looks then usefulness and it sure gave them to the room. Above it rested some notes about the climates and air pressures and whatnot. Borning stuff in short. Next to the perfectly intact statue of you making a sick kickflip was a small table with more boring stuff on it and in the corner lied various dirty clothes. Next to the wall was an illusionary window, made by Anne so you wouldn't become insane- considering how much time you spent here. If it weren't for Marcy you would install actual doors here and spent here all the parts of the day when you weren't on the surface.

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