Chapter 3: Intoxicated Deception

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Notes - Tried including other characters other than solely focusing on Tang and Wukong!

The pilgrims efficiently packed up their camp, indulging in a questionable bamboo soup prepared by the "best" chef among them (or more accurately, the only one who could manage to avoid burning the pot), Sandy. With their bellies at least somewhat satisfied, they resumed their journey with a certain sense of enthusiasm that could only be attributed to their desperation to escape the culinary prowess of their fishy friend.

The weather; a gentle breeze that tousled their ragged travel-worn garments. It almost seemed like a tender gesture from the heavens themselves. As they continued on, fate, or perhaps mere coincidence, led them to the entrance of a quaint, bustling village. It was a picturesque scene of rustic life: chickens greedily pecking at scattered grains, cows languidly munching on grass, women fervently scrubbing away at laundry in the running streams, and a swarm of energetic children turning the field into their playground.

Pigsy's eyes lit up like a child presented with a jar of sweets. "Well, well, isn't this place cozy? I say, it's high time we satisfy our rumbling stomachs right there!" he exclaimed, trotting enthusiastically towards the village, only to be abruptly halted by a firm grip on his clothing.

"Bajie, I trust you haven't forgotten that you are, in fact, a demon," Sanzang reminded him, his gaze shifting from Pigsy to the other two troublemakers, Wukong and Sandy, who were under his equally vigilant stare. It was a clear command for everyone to mind their manners.

As he scanned his peculiar disciples, Sanzang's observant eyes fell upon Sandy, perhaps the most physically imposing of the bunch. The giant demon's muscles seemed to defy restraint within his skimpy attire, his vibrant indigo skin and fiery crimson hair making him an unconventional masterpiece. The detail that truly stole the show, however, was the necklace of human skulls dangling nonchalantly from his neck, a chilling reminder to his past hobbies.

Then, his attention shifted to Pigsy, a demon with large ears twitched at the mere presence of a female. His exposed belly and chest gave the impression of a perverted flasher.

Lastly, his gaze landed on Wukong. Comparatively, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven was almost unremarkable in terms of his physical appearance. With a fluffy mane pulled into an almost adorable ponytail, he had a distinct cuteness about him. But Sanzang knew better – behind that innocuous facade lay a hair-trigger temper capable of wiping out an entire village, the very village they were currently facing.

After mentally evaluating his 'colorful' crew, Sanzang picked up his thought, saying, "Now, let's talk about appearances."

Wukong couldn't resist a snarky remark. "We're ugly, we get it."

Sanzang shot him a stern look. "Don't twist my words. I'm simply reminding you all that you have rather... distinctive looks. And these might give the villagers a shock."

"Easy solution, master," Wukong chimed in, his eyes already set on transforming into a human form. Sanzang, however, stopped him dead in his tracks.

"No transformations. We stick to our true forms, that's the Buddhist way," Sanzang firmly declared.

This elicited a groan from Pigsy, who had been midway through transforming. "Oh, come on! Can't I at least pretend to be human for a meal or two?"

Sanzang's resolve was unwavering. "No deceiving the people. Just behave yourselves," he instructed before leading the way towards the village.

With a mix of compliance and grumbling, the strange trio followed Sanzang. However, just as they were about to step into the village, Sanzang spun around, his authoritative gaze fixed on his demon disciples once more.

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